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Functions in IMCE 6

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
imce_access ./imce.module Check if the user has access to imce. 1 1
imce_add_file inc/ Add a new file to the file list. 2
imce_admin inc/ Admin main page. 2
imce_admin_form inc/ Admin form. 1
imce_admin_submit inc/ Submit admin form. 1
imce_admin_theme inc/ Admin form themed. 1
imce_check_directory inc/ Create a writable directory(any level) under file system directory. 1
imce_clean_profile_fields inc/ Unset empty fields in thumbnails and directory paths. 1
imce_construct_profile inc/ Construct a profile based on arguments. 3
imce_content inc/ Content of the file browser. 1
imce_create_subdirectories inc/ Create directories under root according to path. 1
imce_create_thumbnail inc/ Create a thumbnail. 1
imce_create_thumbnails inc/ Create all selected thumbnails. 1 1
imce_create_tree inc/ Create directory tree. 1
imce_delete_file inc/ Delete a file in the file list. 1
imce_delete_form inc/ Delete form. 1
imce_delete_submit inc/ Submit delete form. 1
imce_directories_theme inc/ Directorys form themed. 1
imce_directory_form inc/ directory settings form 1
imce_directory_info inc/ Return the permissions for a directory that is accessed directly or indirectly. A child of a predefined directory in the directory list takes its parent's properties. If it has multiple parents, it gets the properties of the latter in the list. 2
imce_elements ./imce.module Implementation of hook_elements().
imce_fileop_form inc/ File operations form. 2
imce_fileop_form_validate inc/ Validate file operations form.
imce_file_download ./imce.module Implementation of hook_file_download().
imce_form_subdirectory inc/ Subdirectory creation form. 1
imce_form_subdirectory_submit inc/ Subdirectory form submit.
imce_get_subdirectories inc/ Scan directory and return directories matching the expression. 1
imce_image_info inc/ Check if the file is an image and return info. 4
imce_inaccessible_directory inc/ Generate and log a directory access error. 3
imce_initiate_profile inc/ Initiate and return configuration profile for the $user. 2
imce_install ./imce.install Implementation of hook_install(). 1
imce_install_profiles inc/ Create core profiles and import settings from 5.x 2
imce_js inc/ Ajax operations. q=imce&jsop={op} 1
imce_js_delete inc/ Ajax operation: delete
imce_js_navigate inc/ Ajax operation: navigate
imce_js_resize inc/ Ajax operation: resize
imce_js_thumb inc/ Ajax operation: thumbnails
imce_js_upload inc/ Ajax operation: upload
imce_load_profile inc/ Profile load. 2
imce_menu ./imce.module Implementation of hook_menu().
imce_page inc/ q = imce. 1 1
imce_perm ./imce.module Implementation of hook_perm().
imce_perm_exists inc/ Check if a permission is given to at least one directory in the list. 2
imce_process_directories inc/ Translate tokens and evaluate php in directory names. Return an associative array of directories (dirname => info) 1
imce_process_fileop inc/ Process file operations form 3
imce_process_files inc/ Do batch operations on files. Used by delete, resize, create thumbnail submissions. 3
imce_process_profile inc/ Get files and folders of the actve directory. Do custom processing. 2
imce_profile_delete_form inc/ Profile delete form 1
imce_profile_delete_submit inc/ Profile delete form submit 1
imce_profile_form inc/ Profile form. 1


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