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ImceFolderTest.php in IMCE 8

Same filename in this branch
  1. 8 tests/src/Unit/ImceFolderTest.php
  2. 8 tests/src/Kernel/ImceFolderTest.php
Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8.2 tests/src/Kernel/ImceFolderTest.php


View source

namespace Drupal\Tests\imce\Kernel;

use Drupal\imce\ImceFM;
use Drupal\imce\ImceFolder;
use Drupal\Tests\imce\Kernel\Plugin\KernelTestBasePlugin;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session;

 * Kernel tests for ImceFolder.
 * @group imce
class ImceFolderTest extends KernelTestBasePlugin {

   * The form delete profile.
   * @var \Drupal\imce\ImceFolder
  protected $imceFolder;

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {
    $this->imceFolder = new ImceFolder('js', $this

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public function getRequest() {
    $request = Request::create("/imce", 'POST', []);
    $session = new Session();
      ->set('imce_active_path', '.');
    return $request;

   * Test inherited method ImceFolder::fm().
  public function testFM() {
      ->assertInstanceOf(ImceFM::class, $this->imceFolder

   * Test variable ImceFolder::files after scan.
  public function testFiles() {
    $files = $this->imceFolder->files;

   * Test variable ImceFolder::subfolders after scan.
  public function testSubfolders() {
    $subfolders = $this->imceFolder->subfolders;

   * Test variable ImceFolder::name after scan.
  public function testName() {
      ->assertEqual($this->imceFolder->name, 'js');

   * Test method ImceFolder::getPath().
  public function testPath() {
    $path = $this->imceFolder

   * Test variable ImceFolder::items after scan.
  public function testItem() {
    $items = $this->imceFolder->items;

   * Test variable ImceFolder::scanned after scan.
  public function testScanned() {

   * Settings needed to run tests.
  public function getConf() {
    return [
      "extensions" => "*",
      "maxsize" => '104857600.0',
      "quota" => 0,
      "maxwidth" => 0,
      "maxheight" => 0,
      "replace" => 0,
      "thumbnail_style" => "",
      "folders" => [
        "." => [
          "permissions" => [
            "all" => TRUE,
      "pid" => "admin",
      "scheme" => "public",
      "root_uri" => "public://",
      "root_url" => "/sites/default/files",
      "token" => "Vof6182Y9jbV1jFfCU0arR2XDI8qs-OfO8c-R-IbkTg",



Namesort descending Description
ImceFolderTest Kernel tests for ImceFolder.