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function imce_perm_exists in IMCE 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 inc/ \imce_perm_exists()
  2. 6 inc/ \imce_perm_exists()

Check if a permission is given to at least one directory in the list.

2 calls to imce_perm_exists()
imce_content in inc/
Returns the content of the file browser.
imce_fileop_form in inc/
File operations form.


inc/, line 1094
Implements the file browser.


function imce_perm_exists(&$imce, $perm) {
  static $perms = array();
  if (isset($perms[$perm])) {
    return $perms[$perm];
  if (isset($imce['perm'][$perm]) && $imce['perm'][$perm]) {
    return $perms[$perm] = TRUE;
  foreach ($imce['directories'] as $name => $info) {
    if (isset($info[$perm]) && $info[$perm]) {
      return $perms[$perm] = TRUE;
  return $perms[$perm] = FALSE;