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ImagemagickDeprecationTest.php in ImageMagick 8.2


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namespace Drupal\Tests\imagemagick\Functional;

use Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface;
use Drupal\Tests\TestFileCreationTrait;
use Drupal\Tests\Traits\ExpectDeprecationTrait;
use Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase;

 * Tests that core image manipulations work properly through Imagemagick.
 * @group Imagemagick
class ImagemagickDeprecationTest extends BrowserTestBase {
  use ExpectDeprecationTrait;
  use TestFileCreationTrait;

   * The file system service.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\File\FileSystemInterface
  protected $fileSystem;

   * The image factory service.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Image\ImageFactory
  protected $imageFactory;

   * A directory for image test file results.
   * @var string
  protected $testDirectory;

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  protected static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {

    // Create an admin user.
    $admin_user = $this
      'administer site configuration',

    // Set the image factory.
    $this->imageFactory = $this->container

    // Set the file system.
    $this->fileSystem = $this->container

    // Prepare a directory for test file results.
    $this->testDirectory = 'public://imagetest';

   * Helper to setup the image toolkit.
   * @param string $binaries
   *   The graphics package binaries to use for testing.
   * @param bool $check_path
   *   Whether the path to binaries should be tested.
  protected function setUpToolkit($binaries, $check_path = TRUE) {

    // Change the toolkit.
      ->set('toolkit', 'imagemagick')

    // Execute tests with selected binaries.
      ->set('debug', TRUE)
      ->set('binaries', $binaries)
      ->set('quality', 100)
    if ($check_path) {

      // The test can only be executed if binaries are available on the shell
      // path.
      $status = \Drupal::service('image.toolkit.manager')
      if (!empty($status['errors'])) {

        // Bots running automated test on d.o. do not have binaries installed,
        // so the test will be skipped; it can be run locally where binaries
        // are installed.
          ->markTestSkipped("Tests for '{$binaries}' cannot run because the binaries are not available on the shell path.");

    // Set the toolkit on the image factory.

    // Test that the image factory is set to use the Imagemagick toolkit.
      ->assertEquals('imagemagick', $this->imageFactory
      ->getToolkitId(), 'The image factory is set to use the \'imagemagick\' image toolkit.');

    // Prepare directory.
    file_prepare_directory($this->testDirectory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);

   * Test deprecation of module arguments alter hook.
   * @group legacy
   * @todo the expectedDeprecation annotation does not work if tests are
   *   skipped.
   * @see
   * #expectedDeprecation The deprecated alter hook hook_imagemagick_pre_parse_file_alter() is implemented in these functions: imagemagick_test_imagemagick_pre_parse_file_alter. Deprecated in 8.x-2.5, will be removed in 8.x-3.0. Use an event subscriber to react on a ImagemagickExecutionEvent::ENSURE_SOURCE_LOCAL_PATH event. See
   * #expectedDeprecation The deprecated alter hook hook_imagemagick_arguments_alter() is implemented in these functions: imagemagick_test_imagemagick_arguments_alter. Deprecated in 8.x-2.5, will be removed in 8.x-3.0. Use an event subscriber to react on a ImagemagickExecutionEvent::PRE_IDENTIFY_EXECUTE or a ImagemagickExecutionEvent::PRE_CONVERT_EXECUTE event. See
   * #expectedDeprecation The deprecated alter hook hook_imagemagick_post_save_alter() is implemented in these functions: imagemagick_test_imagemagick_post_save_alter. Deprecated in 8.x-2.5, will be removed in 8.x-3.0. Use an event subscriber to react on a ImagemagickExecutionEvent::POST_SAVE event. See
  public function testAlterHooksDeprecation() {
      ->expectDeprecation('The deprecated alter hook hook_imagemagick_pre_parse_file_alter() is implemented in these functions: imagemagick_test_imagemagick_pre_parse_file_alter. Deprecated in 8.x-2.5, will be removed in 8.x-3.0. Use an event subscriber to react on a ImagemagickExecutionEvent::ENSURE_SOURCE_LOCAL_PATH event. See');
      ->expectDeprecation('The deprecated alter hook hook_imagemagick_arguments_alter() is implemented in these functions: imagemagick_test_imagemagick_arguments_alter. Deprecated in 8.x-2.5, will be removed in 8.x-3.0. Use an event subscriber to react on a ImagemagickExecutionEvent::PRE_IDENTIFY_EXECUTE or a ImagemagickExecutionEvent::PRE_CONVERT_EXECUTE event. See');
      ->expectDeprecation('The deprecated alter hook hook_imagemagick_post_save_alter() is implemented in these functions: imagemagick_test_imagemagick_post_save_alter. Deprecated in 8.x-2.5, will be removed in 8.x-3.0. Use an event subscriber to react on a ImagemagickExecutionEvent::POST_SAVE event. See');
    $image_uri = "public://image-test.png";
    $image = $this->imageFactory

    // Setup a list of arguments.
      ->add("-resize 100x75!")
      ->add("-quality 75");

    // Save the derived image.
      ->save($image_uri . '.derived');

   * Test deprecation of ImagemagickExecManager::getModuleHandler.
   * @group legacy
   * @todo the expectedDeprecation annotation does not work if tests are
   *   skipped.
   * @see
   * #expectedDeprecation The deprecated alter hook hook_imagemagick_pre_parse_file_alter() is implemented in these functions: imagemagick_test_imagemagick_pre_parse_file_alter. Deprecated in 8.x-2.5, will be removed in 8.x-3.0. Use an event subscriber to react on a ImagemagickExecutionEvent::ENSURE_SOURCE_LOCAL_PATH event. See
   * #expectedDeprecation The deprecated alter hook hook_imagemagick_arguments_alter() is implemented in these functions: imagemagick_test_imagemagick_arguments_alter. Deprecated in 8.x-2.5, will be removed in 8.x-3.0. Use an event subscriber to react on a ImagemagickExecutionEvent::PRE_IDENTIFY_EXECUTE or a ImagemagickExecutionEvent::PRE_CONVERT_EXECUTE event. See
   * #expectedDeprecation Drupal\imagemagick\ImagemagickExecManager::getModuleHandler is deprecated in 8.x-2.5, will be removed in 8.x-3.0. No replacement suggested, Imagemagick hooks have been dropped in favour of event subscribers. See
  public function testGetModuleHandlerDeprecation() {
      ->expectDeprecation('The deprecated alter hook hook_imagemagick_pre_parse_file_alter() is implemented in these functions: imagemagick_test_imagemagick_pre_parse_file_alter. Deprecated in 8.x-2.5, will be removed in 8.x-3.0. Use an event subscriber to react on a ImagemagickExecutionEvent::ENSURE_SOURCE_LOCAL_PATH event. See');
      ->expectDeprecation('The deprecated alter hook hook_imagemagick_arguments_alter() is implemented in these functions: imagemagick_test_imagemagick_arguments_alter. Deprecated in 8.x-2.5, will be removed in 8.x-3.0. Use an event subscriber to react on a ImagemagickExecutionEvent::PRE_IDENTIFY_EXECUTE or a ImagemagickExecutionEvent::PRE_CONVERT_EXECUTE event. See');
      ->expectDeprecation('Drupal\\imagemagick\\ImagemagickExecManager::getModuleHandler is deprecated in 8.x-2.5, will be removed in 8.x-3.0. No replacement suggested, Imagemagick hooks have been dropped in favour of event subscribers. See');
    $image = $this->imageFactory
      ->assertInstanceOf(ModuleHandlerInterface::class, $image



Namesort descending Description
ImagemagickDeprecationTest Tests that core image manipulations work properly through Imagemagick.