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public function ImagemagickExecArguments::add in ImageMagick 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 src/ImagemagickExecArguments.php \Drupal\imagemagick\ImagemagickExecArguments::add()

Adds a command line argument.


string $argument: The command line argument to be added.

int $mode: (optional) The mode of the argument in the command line. Determines if the argument should be placed before or after the source image file path. Defaults to self::POST_SOURCE.

int $index: (optional) The position of the argument in the arguments array. Reflects the sequence of arguments in the command line. Defaults to self::APPEND.

array $info: (optional) An optional array with information about the argument. Defaults to an empty array.

Return value


2 calls to ImagemagickExecArguments::add()
ImagemagickExecArguments::addArgument in src/ImagemagickExecArguments.php
Adds a command line argument.
ImagemagickExecArguments::prependArgument in src/ImagemagickExecArguments.php
Prepends a command line argument.


src/ImagemagickExecArguments.php, line 238


Stores arguments for execution of ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick commands.




public function add($argument, $mode = self::POST_SOURCE, $index = self::APPEND, array $info = []) {
  $argument = [
    'argument' => $argument,
    'mode' => $mode,
    'info' => $info,
  if ($index === self::APPEND) {
    $this->arguments[] = $argument;
  elseif ($index === 0) {
    array_unshift($this->arguments, $argument);
  else {
    array_splice($this->arguments, $index, 0, [
  return $this;