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Functions in ImageField 5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
imagefield_check_directory ./imagefield.module Create the image directory relative to the 'files' dir recursively for every directory in the path. 2
imagefield_clear_field_session ./imagefield.module 3
imagefield_clear_session ./imagefield.module 1
imagefield_default_item ./imagefield.module @file Defines an image field type. imagefield uses content.module to store the fid, and the drupal files table to store the actual file data. 1
imagefield_field ./imagefield.module Implementation of hook_field().
imagefield_field_formatter ./imagefield.module Implementation of hook_field_formatter().
imagefield_field_formatter_info ./imagefield.module Implementation of hook_field_formatter_info().
imagefield_field_info ./imagefield.module Implementation of hook_field_info().
imagefield_field_settings ./imagefield.module Implementation of hook_field_settings().
imagefield_file_insert ./imagefield.module insert a file into the database. 2
imagefield_file_update ./imagefield.module update the file record if necessary 1
imagefield_form_check_directory ./imagefield.module Wrapper function for imagefield_check_directory that accepts a form element to validate - if user specified one. Won't allow form submit unless the directory exists & is writable 1
imagefield_install ./imagefield.install Implementation of hook_install().
imagefield_menu ./imagefield.module
imagefield_update_1 ./imagefield.install Data is now stored in per-field tables.
imagefield_update_2 ./imagefield.install Schema change to enable alt and title tags.
imagefield_widget ./imagefield.module Implementation of hook_widget().
imagefield_widget_info ./imagefield.module Implementation of hook_widget_info().
imagefield_widget_settings ./imagefield.module Implementation of hook_widget_settings().
theme_imagefield_edit_image_row ./imagefield.module
theme_imagefield_image ./imagefield.module
theme_imagefield_multiple ./imagefield.module formats an array of images.
theme_imagefield_view_image ./imagefield.module
_imagefield_file_delete ./imagefield.module 2
_imagefield_file_load ./imagefield.module 2
_imagefield_preview ./imagefield.module transfer a file that is in a 'preview' state. @todo multiple support 1
_imagefield_scale_image ./imagefield.module 1
_imagefield_widget_form ./imagefield.module 1
_imagefield_widget_form_validate ./imagefield.module 1
_imagefield_widget_prepare_form_values ./imagefield.module 1

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