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function imagecache_gd_imagefilter in ImageCache Actions 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.3 imagecache_coloractions.module \imagecache_gd_imagefilter()
  2. 5.2 imagecache_coloractions.module \imagecache_gd_imagefilter()

Attempt to run imagefilter, which may or may not be included with your gdtoolkit. If it isn't, a local script is used to emulate the simpler of its functions.

1 call to imagecache_gd_imagefilter()
imagecache_imagefilter in ./imagecache_coloractions.module
Stub for the image toolkit.


./imagecache_coloractions.module, line 228
Additional actions for imagecache processing.


function imagecache_gd_imagefilter($image, $filter, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3) {

  // some distros that allegedly include PHP5 GD2 are faulty.
  // thankyou
  if (!function_exists('imagefilter')) {
    include_once '';
  $info = $image->info;
  if (!$info) {
    return FALSE;

  #dpm("run imagefilter imagefilter($image->resource, $filter, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3)");
  imagesavealpha($image->resource, TRUE);

  # This is a bit silly really, php internals complain if it's given TOO MANY args!

  # Should refactor this and not be so lazy.
  if (!is_null($arg2) && !is_null($arg3)) {
    return imagefilter($image->resource, $filter, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3);
  else {
    if (!is_null($arg2) && is_null($arg3)) {
      return imagefilter($image->resource, $filter, $arg1, $arg2);
    else {
      if (is_null($arg2) && is_null($arg3)) {
        return imagefilter($image->resource, $filter, $arg1);