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function image_imagemagick_roundedcorners in ImageCache Actions 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 canvasactions/ \image_imagemagick_roundedcorners()



canvasactions/, line 273
Routines for rounded corners


function image_imagemagick_roundedcorners($image, $action) {

  // Based on the imagemagick documentation.
  // Create arc cut-outs, then mask them.
  // Draw black triangles and white circles.
  // draw circle is center: x,y, and a point on the perimeter
  $corners = array(
  $radii = $action['independent_corners_set']['radii'];
  $width = $image->info['width'];
  $height = $image->info['height'];
  $tl = $radii['tl'];
  $tr = $radii['tr'];
  $bl = $radii['bl'];
  $br = $radii['br'];
  $drawmask = '';
  if ($tl) {
    $drawmask .= " fill black polygon 0,0 0,{$tl} {$tl},0";
    $drawmask .= " fill white circle {$tl},{$tl} {$tl},0";
  if ($tr) {
    $right = $width - $tr;
    $drawmask .= " fill black polygon {$right},0 {$width},0 {$width},{$tr}";
    $drawmask .= " fill white circle {$right},{$tr} {$right},0";
  if ($bl) {
    $bottom = $height - $bl;
    $drawmask .= " fill black polygon 0,{$bottom} 0,{$height} {$bl},{$height}";
    $drawmask .= " fill white circle {$bl},{$bottom} 0,{$bottom}";
  if ($br) {
    $bottom = $height - $br;
    $right = $width - $br;
    $drawmask .= " fill black polygon {$right},{$height} {$width},{$bottom} {$width},{$height}";
    $drawmask .= " fill white circle {$right},{$bottom} {$width},{$bottom}";
  $draw = ' -draw ' . escapeshellarg($drawmask);
  $compose = ' ' . escapeshellcmd('(') . " +clone  -threshold -1 {$draw} " . escapeshellcmd(')') . ' +matte -compose CopyOpacity -composite ';
  $image->ops[] = $compose;
  return TRUE;