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18 calls to imagecache_presets() in ImageCache 6.2

imagecache_action_delete in ./imagecache.module
imagecache_action_save in ./imagecache.module
imagecache_add_js in ./imagecache.module
Imagecache JS settings and theme function.
imagecache_drush_preset_build in ./
Drush callback to perform actual imagecache preset build.
imagecache_drush_preset_flush in ./
Drush callback to perform actual imagecache preset flush.
imagecache_field_formatter_info in ./imagecache.module
Implementation of hook_field_formatter_info().
imagecache_form_system_modules_alter in ./imagecache.module
Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter.
imagecache_generate_action_form in ./imagecache.module
Form for configuring the generate action.
imagecache_generate_all_action in ./imagecache.module
Generate all imagecache presets for the given node.
imagecache_image_flush in ./imagecache.module
Clear cached versions of a specific file in all presets.
imagecache_perm in ./imagecache.module
Implementation of hook_perm().
imagecache_preset in ./imagecache.module
Load a preset by preset_id.
imagecache_preset_by_name in ./imagecache.module
Load a preset by name.
imagecache_preset_delete in ./imagecache.module
imagecache_preset_save in ./imagecache.module
Save an ImageCache preset.
imagecache_theme in ./imagecache.module
Implementation of hook_theme().
imagecache_ui_preset_form_validate in ./
imagecache_ui_preset_overview in ./
Preset Admin callbacks and required functions.