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imageapi_optimize_webp_responsive.module in ImageAPI Optimize WebP 2.x


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use Drupal\responsive_image\Entity\ResponsiveImageStyle;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
use Drupal\image\Entity\ImageStyle;

 * Implements hook_help().
function imageapi_optimize_webp_responsive_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
  switch ($route_name) {

    // Main module help for the imageapi_optimize_webp_responsive module.
    case '':
      $output = '';
      $output .= '<h3>' . t('About') . '</h3>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('Implements WebP derivatives in core Responsive Images') . '</p>';
      return $output;

 * Implements template_preprocess_responsive_image().
function imageapi_optimize_webp_responsive_preprocess_responsive_image(&$variables) {
  if (!empty($variables['sources'])) {
    $webp_sources = [];

    //@todo: Use cache to store ImageStyles that utilize a pipeine with WebP processor.

    // Load the ResponsiveImageStyle entity to access the ImageStyles for sources.
    $entity = ResponsiveImageStyle::load($variables['responsive_image_style_id']);
    $image_styles = ImageStyle::loadMultiple($entity
    $pipeline_webp_map = [];
    $image_style_map = [];

    // Iterate through the ImageStyles and look for the WebP processor.
    foreach ($image_styles as $image_style) {

      // If ImageStyle has pipeline, build map if WebP processor exists.
      if ($image_style
        ->hasPipeline()) {

        // Check if pipeline has already been searched for processor.
        if (!isset($pipeline_webp_map[$image_style
          ->getPipeline()])) {
            ->getPipeline()] = FALSE;
          foreach ($image_style
            ->getProcessors() as $processor) {

            // If WebP processor is found, set map to true and break from loop.
            if ($processor
              ->getPluginId() == "imageapi_optimize_webp") {
                ->getPipeline()] = TRUE;

        // If WebP processor exits on pipeline, build another map for jpg => webp paths.
        if ($pipeline_webp_map[$image_style
          ->getPipeline()]) {
          $image_uri = $image_style
          $image_url = file_create_url($image_uri);
          $image_relative_path = file_url_transform_relative($image_url);
          $image_relative_path_file = explode('?', $image_relative_path)[0];
          $webp_relative_path = str_replace($image_relative_path_file, $image_relative_path_file . '.webp', $image_relative_path);
          $image_style_map[$image_relative_path] = $webp_relative_path;

    // If WebP processors are found on any of the ImageStyles, add webp derivatives as sources.
    if ($image_style_map) {
      foreach ($variables['sources'] as $source) {
        $offset_key = NULL;

        // Check for instances where srcset and data-srcset used interchangeably.
        if ($source
          ->offsetExists('srcset')) {
          $offset_key = 'srcset';
        elseif ($source
          ->offsetExists('data-srcset')) {
          $offset_key = 'data-srcset';

        // If either key is found, continue.
        if ($offset_key) {
          $source_srcset = $source
          $cloned_srcset = strtr($source_srcset, $image_style_map);
          if ($source_srcset != $cloned_srcset) {
            $source_webp = clone $source;
              ->offsetSet($offset_key, $cloned_srcset);
              ->offsetSet('type', 'image/webp');
            $webp_sources[] = $source_webp;

      // If any webp sources are created, merge them with existing sources.
      if (!empty($webp_sources)) {
        $variables['sources'] = array_merge($webp_sources, $variables['sources']);
        $variables['output_image_tag'] = FALSE;