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function _imageapi_optimize_check_path in Image Optimize (or ImageAPI Optimize) 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 imageapi_optimize.module \_imageapi_optimize_check_path()

Checks if a path exists and is executable.

Warning: it does not check if the command is harmful. You should keep an eye on users with "administer imageapi" permission.

1 call to _imageapi_optimize_check_path()
imageapi_optimize_validate_path in services/
Validation callback for binary fields.


services/, line 211
Internal ImageAPI Optimize service.


function _imageapi_optimize_check_path($path) {
  $errors = array();
  if (!empty($path)) {
    if (!is_file($path)) {
      $errors[] = t('The specified path %file does not exist.', array(
        '%file' => $path,
    if (!$errors && !is_executable($path)) {
      $errors[] = t('The specified path %file is not executable.', array(
        '%file' => $path,
    $open_basedir = ini_get('open_basedir');
    if ($errors && $open_basedir) {
      $errors[] = t('PHP\'s <a href="!open-basedir">open_basedir</a> security restriction is set to %open-basedir, which may be interfering with attempts to locate %file.', array(
        '%file' => $path,
        '%open-basedir' => $open_basedir,
        '!info-link' => url(''),
  return $errors;