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function imageapi_optimize_processor_definition_load in Image Optimize (or ImageAPI Optimize) 7.2

Loads the definition for an image processor.

The processor definition is a set of core properties for an image processor, not containing any user-settings. The definition defines various functions to call when configuring or executing an image processor. This loader is mostly for internal use within image.module. Use image_processor_load() or image_pipeline_load() to get image processors that contain configuration.


$processor: The name of the processor definition to load.

$pipeline: An image pipeline array to which this processor will be added.

Return value

An array containing the image processor definition with the following keys:

  • "processor": The unique name for the processor being performed. Usually prefixed with the name of the module providing the processor.
  • "module": The module providing the processor.
  • "help": A description of the processor.
  • "function": The name of the function that will execute the processor.
  • "form": (optional) The name of a function to configure the processor.
  • "summary": (optional) The name of a theme function that will display a one-line summary of the processor. Does not include the "theme_" prefix.
4 calls to imageapi_optimize_processor_definition_load()
imageapi_optimize_help in ./imageapi_optimize.module
Implements hook_help().
imageapi_optimize_pipelines in ./imageapi_optimize.module
Gets an array of all pipelines and their settings.
imageapi_optimize_pipeline_form_add_submit in ./
Submit handler for adding a new image effect to an image pipeline.
imageapi_optimize_processors in ./imageapi_optimize.module
Loads all image processors from the database.


./imageapi_optimize.module, line 593


function imageapi_optimize_processor_definition_load($processor, $pipeline_name = NULL) {
  $definitions = imageapi_optimize_processor_definitions();

  // If a pipeline is specified, do not allow loading of default pipeline
  // processors.
  if (isset($pipeline_name)) {
    $pipeline = imageapi_optimize_pipeline_load($pipeline_name, NULL);
    if ($pipeline['storage'] == IMAGEAPI_OPTIMIZE_STORAGE_DEFAULT) {
      return FALSE;
  return isset($definitions[$processor]) ? $definitions[$processor] : FALSE;