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function image_style_quality_help in Image Style Quality 7

Implements hook_form_alter().


./image_style_quality.module, line 29
This module is intended to allow users to set custom quality settings on individual image styles with no core hacks.


function image_style_quality_help($path, $arg) {

  // Allow users to have some extra help on certain pages or args.
  switch ($path) {

    // If we are on this modules help page.
    case 'admin/help#image_style_quality':
      return '<h3>' . t('About') . '</h3>
        <p>' . t('This module is allows you to create new <em>Image
        style</em> effects to modify the quality of images. To use this
        module all you have to do is navigate to your desired <em>Image
        style</em> by clicking "Configuration" > "Image Styles" and then
        "Edit" or "Add Style". You will have the option to "Change
        Quality" in the "Add new effect" dropdown menu. You may use
        this quality setting in any order, in combination with any
        other set of effects.') . '</p>';