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swfupload-settings.tpl.php in Image FUpload 6.3

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6 swfupload-settings.tpl.php
  2. 6.2 swfupload-settings.tpl.php


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 * @file
var swfu;
var jsTimer = false;
var error_send = false; // Indicates whether swfUpload has already been stopped because of a form error
var upload_complete = false; // All queued files uploaded?
var queue_complete = 0; // contains number of queued and successfully uploaded images
var count_failed_uploads = 0; // Number of failed uploads

Drupal.behaviors.swfupload =

window.onload = function() {
  var settings = {
    flash_url : "<?php

print $modulepath;
    upload_url: "<?php

print $uploadpath;
?>",  // Relative to the SWF file
    post_params: {"PHPSESSID" : "<?php

print $sessionid;
?>" , "nodetype" : "<?php

print $nodetype;
?>", "fieldname" : "<?php

print $fieldname;
    file_post_name: "Filedata",
    file_size_limit : "<?php

print $maxfilesize;
    file_types : "<?php

print $fileextensions;
    file_types_description : "Only images",
    file_upload_limit : "<?php

print $uploadlimit;
    file_queue_limit : "0",
    custom_settings : {
      progressTarget : "fsUploadProgress",
      cancelButtonId : "btnCancel"
    debug: false,

    // Button settings
    button_width: "36",
    button_height: "37",
    button_placeholder_id: "spanUploadButton",
    button_image_url: "<?php

print $modulepath;
?>/swfupload/select_images.png",  // Relative to the Flash file
    button_window_mode: SWFUpload.WINDOW_MODE.TRANSPARENT,
    button_cursor: SWFUpload.CURSOR.HAND,

    // The event handler functions are defined in handlers.js
    file_queued_handler : fileQueued,
    file_queue_error_handler : fileQueueError,
    file_dialog_complete_handler : fileDialogComplete,
    upload_start_handler : uploadStart,
    upload_progress_handler : uploadProgress,
    upload_error_handler : uploadError,
    upload_success_handler : uploadSuccess,
    upload_complete_handler : uploadComplete,
    queue_complete_handler : queueComplete  // Queue plugin event
  swfu = new SWFUpload(settings);


function startUploadProcess() {
  var redirect_url = "<?php

print $redirect_url;
  var imagefield_required = <?php

print $field_required;

  if (!upload_complete) {
    // Reset all variables and indicators
    error_send = false;
    count_failed_uploads = 0;
    if (isNaN(document.getElementById('form_errors')))
      document.getElementById('form_errors').value = '0';
    if (isNaN(document.getElementById('num_queued_images')))
      document.getElementById('num_queued_images').value = '1'; // Pretend that there's at least one image in queue so that it works

    // return warning if no images has been selected yet
    if (swfu.getStats().files_queued == 0) {
      // only create gallery node without any images, if field is not required
      if (!imagefield_required) {
        // new node
        result = confirm(Drupal.t('No images have been selected yet.') + ' ' + Drupal.t('If you continue (OK), a node without any images will be created.\n If you want to add some images to queue, click "Cancel" and use the icon on the left to queue some images.'));
      } else {
        // node is edited
        result = false;
        alert(Drupal.t('No images have been selected yet.') + ' ' + Drupal.t('Please click the icon on the left to queue some images.'));
      // user wants to create a node without any images ... ok =)
      if (result && !jsTimer)

    // hey, let's go =)

function UploadComplete(numFilesUploaded) {
  // Provide a second step to be able to edit captions of image if supported
  var redirect_url_main = "<?php

print $redirect_url;
  var redirect_url_updated = "";
  if (isNaN(document.getElementById('redirect_url'))) {
    // updated redirect url
    redirect_url_updated = document.getElementById('redirect_url').value;

  // user is allowed to enter preview page
  if (redirect_url_main != "" && numFilesUploaded > 0) {
    upload_complete = true;
    // Disable Select button

    // if available, update our redirect url
    if (redirect_url_updated != "")
      redirect_url_main = redirect_url_updated;

    try {
      var url_next = '<a href="' + redirect_url_main + '">' + Drupal.t('next step') + '</a>';
      document.getElementById('startuploadbutton').value = Drupal.t('Next step');
      document.getElementById('startuploadbutton').onclick = function() {fupload_redirect(redirect_url_main);};
      document.getElementById('divStatus').innerHTML = (Drupal.formatPlural(numFilesUploaded, '1 file uploaded in queue.', '@count files uploaded in queue.') + ' ' + Drupal.t('Enter the !link to be able to edit all captions.', { '!link': url_next }));
      document.getElementById('imagepreviewlistbutton').style.visibility = 'visible';
      document.getElementById('imagepreviewlistbutton').onclick = function() {fupload_redirect(redirect_url_main);};

      // if node is edited, change save button to "next step" button and remove other buttons
      //document.getElementById('edit-submit').value = Drupal.t('Next step');
    catch(err) {
      // not interesting in this case

  // no access to preview page: redirect directly to newly created nodeName
  if (redirect_url_main == "" && numFilesUploaded > 0)
