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function theme_fupload_create_filename in Image FUpload 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 image_fupload.module \theme_fupload_create_filename()
  2. 6.2 image_fupload.module \theme_fupload_create_filename()
1 theme call to theme_fupload_create_filename()
fupload_node_create in image_fupload_image/image_fupload_image.module


./image_fupload.module, line 90


function theme_fupload_create_filename($image) {

  // Get filename out of filepath
  $filename = trim(basename($image->filepath), ' ');
  $length1 = strlen(strrchr($filename, '.'));
  $length2 = strlen($filename);
  $image_name = ucfirst(substr($filename, 0, $length2 - $length1));

  // Remove some given (userdefined) elements
  $replacements = explode(';', variable_get('fupload_title_replacements', '_;{;}'));
  $image_name = str_replace($replacements, ' ', $image_name);
  return $image_name;