class ImageFocusEntropy in Image Focus Crop 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 6 \ImageFocusEntropy
@file Image entropy calculation.
@todo Replace imagecolorat() with imagecolorsforindex() for index image support (even it is slower).
- class \ImageFocusEntropy
Expanded class hierarchy of ImageFocusEntropy
- ./, line 10 - Image entropy calculation.
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class ImageFocusEntropy {
// The GD image resource.
protected $image;
// Coordinate of the focal point.
protected $cx, $cy;
public function __construct($image) {
$this->image = $image;
* Calculates the histogram of the zone from ($x, $y) with a width of $dx and
* height of $dy.
protected function calculateHistogram($x, $y, $dx, $dy) {
$maxx = min(imagesx($this->image), $x + $dx);
$maxy = min(imagesy($this->image), $y + $dy);
$histogram = array_fill(0, 768, 0);
for ($i = $x; $i < $maxx; $i++) {
for ($j = $y; $j < $maxy; $j++) {
$rgb = imagecolorat($this->image, $i, $j);
$r = $rgb >> 16 & 0xff;
$g = $rgb >> 8 & 0xff;
$b = $rgb & 0xff;
$histogram[$g + 256]++;
$histogram[$b + 512]++;
return $histogram;
* Calculates the entropy of an image zone, defined as -sum(p.*log2(p)) where
* p is the histogram counts of a grayscale image.
protected function calculateEntropy($x, $y, $dx, $dy) {
$histogram = $this
->calculateHistogram($x, $y, $dx, $dy);
$histogram_size = array_sum($histogram);
$entropy = 0;
foreach ($histogram as $p) {
if ($p == 0) {
$p = $p / $histogram_size;
$entropy += $p * log($p, 2);
return $entropy * -1;
* Calculates the focal point.
public function calculateFocalPoint() {
// Split the image into multiple zones and calculate entropy in each one.
// $d is the size of the zones. This value is chosen emperically.
// Then calculate the center of mass using entropy.
$d = (int) max((imagesx($this->image) + imagesy($this->image)) / 50, 10);
$nx = floor(imagesx($this->image) / $d);
$ny = floor(imagesy($this->image) / $d);
$entropies = array_fill(0, $nx * $ny, 0);
$sum = $wsum_x = $wsum_y = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $nx; $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j < $ny; $j++) {
$entropy = $this
->calculateEntropy($i * $d, $j * $d, $d, $d);
$entropies[$i + $j * $nx] = $entropy;
$sum += $entropy;
$wsum_x += $entropy * $i;
$wsum_y += $entropy * $j;
$this->cx = $sum ? $wsum_x / $sum * $d : 0;
$this->cy = $sum ? $wsum_y / $sum * $d : 0;
public function getFocalPoint() {
if (!isset($this->cx)) {
return array(
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
ImageFocusEntropy:: |
protected | property | ||
ImageFocusEntropy:: |
protected | property | ||
ImageFocusEntropy:: |
protected | function | Calculates the entropy of an image zone, defined as -sum(p.*log2(p)) where p is the histogram counts of a grayscale image. | |
ImageFocusEntropy:: |
public | function | Calculates the focal point. | |
ImageFocusEntropy:: |
protected | function | Calculates the histogram of the zone from ($x, $y) with a width of $dx and height of $dy. | |
ImageFocusEntropy:: |
public | function | ||
ImageFocusEntropy:: |
public | function |