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TextToWrapper.php in Image Effects 8.2


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namespace Drupal\image_effects\Plugin\ImageToolkit\Operation\imagemagick;

use Drupal\image_effects\Plugin\ImageToolkit\Operation\TextToWrapperTrait;
use Drupal\imagemagick\Plugin\ImageToolkit\Operation\imagemagick\ImagemagickImageToolkitOperationBase;

 * Defines Imagemagick Text Overlay text-to-wrapper operation.
 * @ImageToolkitOperation(
 *   id = "image_effects_imagemagick_text_to_wrapper",
 *   toolkit = "imagemagick",
 *   operation = "text_to_wrapper",
 *   label = @Translation("Overlays text over an image"),
 *   description = @Translation("Overlays text over an image.")
 * )
class TextToWrapper extends ImagemagickImageToolkitOperationBase {
  use TextToWrapperTrait;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function execute(array $arguments) {

    // Get a temporary wrapper image object via the GD toolkit.
    $gd_wrapper = \Drupal::service('image.factory')
      ->get(NULL, 'gd');
      ->apply('text_to_wrapper', $arguments);

    // Flush the temporary wrapper to disk, reopen via ImageMagick and return.
    if ($gd_wrapper) {

      // Temporary file prefix is limited to 3 chars for Windows compatibility.
      $tmp_file = \Drupal::service('file_system')
        ->tempnam('temporary://', 'ifx');
      $gd_wrapper_destination = $tmp_file . '.png';
      file_unmanaged_move($tmp_file, $gd_wrapper_destination, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
      $tmp_wrapper = \Drupal::service('image.factory')
        ->get($gd_wrapper_destination, 'imagemagick');

      // Defer removal of the temporary file to after it has been processed.
      ], $gd_wrapper_destination);
      return $this
        ->apply('replace_image', [
        'replacement_image' => $tmp_wrapper,
    return FALSE;

   * Delete the image effect temporary file after it has been used.
   * @param string $file_path
   *   Path of the file that is about to be deleted.
  public static function deleteTempFile($file_path) {
    if (file_exists($file_path)) {



Namesort descending Description
TextToWrapper Defines Imagemagick Text Overlay text-to-wrapper operation.