function theme_iframe_field_settings in Iframe 6
Theme the settings form for the iframe field.
1 theme call to theme_iframe_field_settings()
- iframe_field_settings in ./
iframe.module - Implementation of hook_field_settings(). shown: at general setup of this field type on a content type
- ./
iframe.module, line 188 - Defines simple iframe field types. based on the cck-module "link" by quicksketch MODULE-Funtions
function theme_iframe_field_settings($form) {
dmsg(3, 'func theme_iframe_field_settings');
$title_value = drupal_render($form['title_value']);
$title_checkbox = drupal_render($form['title']['value']);
// Set Static Title radio option to include the title_value textfield.
$form['title']['value'] = array(
'#value' => '<div class="container-inline">' . $title_checkbox . $title_value . '</div>',
// Reprint the title radio options with the included textfield.
return drupal_render($form);