function iframe_field_instance_settings_form in Iframe 7
Implements hook_field_instance_settings_form(). These settings apply only to the iframe field when used in this special content-type. Field XYZ sub-menu "Edit" (Step 3)
- ./
iframe.module, line 160 - Defines an iframe field with all attributes.
function iframe_field_instance_settings_form($field, $instance) {
$field_settings = $field['settings'];
// as defined before in iframe_field_settings_form() ! has preference over instance_settings
$settings = $instance['settings'];
// default instance_settings from iframe_field_info
$form = array();
if ($field['type'] == 'iframe') {
$form['width'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Iframe width'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings['width']) ? $settings['width'] : (!empty($field_settings['width']) ? $field_settings['width'] : ''),
'#description' => t('Iframes need a fixed width and height; only numbers are allowed, or percentage values. (e.g. 500px => "500", 80% => "80%")'),
//'#disabled' => $has_data,
'#maxlength' => 4,
'#size' => 4,
$form['height'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Iframe height'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings['height']) ? $settings['height'] : (!empty($field_settings['height']) ? $field_settings['height'] : ''),
'#description' => t('Iframes need a fixed width and height; only numbers are allowed, or percentage values. (e.g. 500px => "500", 80% => "80%")'),
'#maxlength' => 4,
'#size' => 4,
$form['class'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Additional CSS Class'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings['class']) ? $settings['class'] : (!empty($field_settings['class']) ? $field_settings['class'] : ''),
'#description' => t('When output, this iframe will have this class attribute. Multiple classes should be separated by spaces.'),
$form['expose_class'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Expose Additional CSS Class'),
'#default_value' => isset($settings['expose_class']) ? (int) $settings['expose_class'] : 1,
'#description' => t('Allow author to specify an additional class attribute for this iframe.'),
$form['frameborder'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Frameborder'),
'#options' => array(
'0' => t('No frameborder'),
'1' => t('Show frameborder'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings['frameborder']) ? $settings['frameborder'] : (!empty($field_settings['frameborder']) ? $field_settings['frameborder'] : 0),
'#description' => t('Frameborder is the border arround the iframe. Mostly people want it silent, so the default value for frameborder is 0 = no.'),
$form['scrolling'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Scrolling'),
'#options' => array(
'auto' => t('Scrolling automatic'),
'no' => t('Scrolling disabled'),
'yes' => t('Scrolling enabled'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings['scrolling']) ? $settings['scrolling'] : (!empty($field_settings['scrolling']) ? $field_settings['scrolling'] : 'auto'),
'#description' => t('Scrollbars help the user to reach all iframe content despite the real height of the iframe content. Please disable it only if You know what You are doing.'),
$form['transparency'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Transparency'),
'#options' => array(
'0' => t('No transparency'),
'1' => t('Allow transparency'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings['transparency']) ? $settings['transparency'] : (!empty($field_settings['transparency']) ? $field_settings['transparency'] : 0),
'#description' => t('Allow transparency per CSS in the outer iframe tag. You have to set background-color:transparent in your iframe body tag too!'),
$form['tokensupport'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Token Support'),
'#options' => array(
'0' => t('no tokens allowed'),
'1' => t('tokens only in title field'),
'2' => t('tokens for title and url field'),
'#default_value' => !empty($settings['tokensupport']) ? $settings['tokensupport'] : (!empty($field_settings['tokensupport']) ? $field_settings['tokensupport'] : '0'),
'#description' => t('Are tokens allowed for users to use in title or URL field?'),
if (!module_exists('token')) {
$form['tokensupport']['#description'] .= ' ' . t('Attention: token module is not enabled currently!');
$form['allowfullscreen'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Allow fullscreen'),
'#default_value' => isset($settings['allowfullscreen']) ? (int) $settings['allowfullscreen'] : 0,
'#description' => t('Allow author to specify an additional class attribute for this iframe.'),
return $form;