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function iek_hex2rgb in Image effect kit 8

Converts color format from Hex to RGB.


string $hex_str: A Hex color format like '#cccccc'.

bool $return_as_string: A boolean flag to indicate to return a string or an array.

string $separator: A character or string to join the RGB array elements.

Return value


  • An associative RGB array if 'return_as_string' is set to FALSE.
  • A RGB string that was split by the 'separator' will be returned if 'return_as_string' is set to TRUE.
  • Return FALSE if an invalid Hex color code.
4 calls to iek_hex2rgb()
ImageBorder::execute in src/Plugin/ImageToolkit/Operation/gd/ImageBorder.php
Performs the actual manipulation on the image.
ImagePadding::execute in src/Plugin/ImageToolkit/Operation/gd/ImagePadding.php
Performs the actual manipulation on the image.
ImageResize::execute in src/Plugin/ImageToolkit/Operation/gd/ImageResize.php
Performs the actual manipulation on the image.
ImageWatermark::execute in src/Plugin/ImageToolkit/Operation/gd/ImageWatermark.php
Performs the actual manipulation on the image.


./iek.module, line 182
Contains "iek" module.


function iek_hex2rgb($hex_str, $return_as_string = FALSE, $separator = ',') {

  // Gets a proper Hex string.
  $hex_str = preg_replace("/[^0-9A-Fa-f]/", '', $hex_str);
  $rgb_array = [];

  // If a proper Hex code, convert using bitwise operation.
  if (strlen($hex_str) == 6) {
    $border_color_val = hexdec($hex_str);
    $rgb_array['red'] = 0xff & $border_color_val >> 0x10;
    $rgb_array['green'] = 0xff & $border_color_val >> 0x8;
    $rgb_array['blue'] = 0xff & $border_color_val;
  elseif (strlen($hex_str) == 3) {
    $rgb_array['red'] = hexdec(str_repeat(substr($hex_str, 0, 1), 2));
    $rgb_array['green'] = hexdec(str_repeat(substr($hex_str, 1, 1), 2));
    $rgb_array['blue'] = hexdec(str_repeat(substr($hex_str, 2, 1), 2));
  else {

    // Invalid Hex color code.
    return FALSE;

  // Returns the RGB string or the associative array.
  return $return_as_string ? implode($separator, $rgb_array) : $rgb_array;