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function icon_bundle_load in Icon API 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 icon.module \icon_bundle_load()

Load a specific bundle.


string $name: The name of the bundle to load.

Return value

array An associative array of bundle information as returned from icon_bundles().

5 calls to icon_bundle_load()
form_process_icon_selector in includes/
Processes an icon select list form element.
icon_bundle_delete in ./icon.module
Delete the icon bundle that matches {icon_bundle}.name in the database.
icon_bundle_save in ./icon.module
Save an icon bundle in the {icon_bundle} table.
icon_filter_preprocess_field in modules/icon_filter/icon_filter.module
Implements hook_field_prepare_view().
template_preprocess_icon in includes/
Implements hook_preprocess_icon().
2 string references to 'icon_bundle_load'
icon_provider_import_form in includes/
Menu callback for 'icon_provider_import_form'.
icon_reset_static_cache in includes/
Clears all static caches used by the icon module.


./icon.module, line 529
icon.module Provides icon integration with menu items.


function icon_bundle_load($name) {
  $loaded =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  if (empty($loaded[$name])) {
    $loaded[$name] = icon_bundles($name);
  return $loaded[$name];