function i18nviews_views_data_alter_i18n_taxonomy in Internationalization Views 7.3
Implementation of hook_views_data_alter().
Registers views handlers with dependency to i18n_taxonomy.
1 call to i18nviews_views_data_alter_i18n_taxonomy()
- i18nviews_views_data_alter in includes/ - Implementation of hook_views_data_alter().
- includes/, line 41
function i18nviews_views_data_alter_i18n_taxonomy(&$data) {
// tid field (translated)
$data['taxonomy_term_data']['tid_i18n'] = array(
'title' => t('Term ID (translated)'),
'help' => t('The translated taxonomy term ID.'),
'argument' => array(
'handler' => 'i18nviews_handler_argument_numeric',
'name field' => 'name',
'zero is null' => TRUE,
'filter' => array(
'title' => t('Term (translated)'),
'help' => t('Taxonomy term chosen from autocomplete or select widget.'),
'handler' => 'i18nviews_handler_filter_taxonomy_index_tid',
'hierarchy table' => 'taxonomy_term_hierarchy',
'numeric' => TRUE,
// Add Term name field (translated)
$data['taxonomy_term_data']['name_i18n'] = array(
'title' => t('Name (translated)'),
'help' => t('The translated taxonomy term name.'),
'field' => array(
'handler' => 'i18nviews_handler_field_taxonomy_term_name',
'click sortable' => TRUE,
// name_i18n is not a real field in the database but we could actually let's just add the name, that's we need too.
'real field' => 'name',
// TODO currently almost impossible, JOIN to i18n_string table needed
'sort' => array(
//'handler' => 'views_handler_sort',
'handler' => 'i18nviews_handler_sort_taxonomy_term_name',
'filter' => array(
//'handler => 'views_handler_filter_string',
'handler' => 'i18nviews_handler_filter_taxonomy_term_name',
'help' => t('Translated taxonomy term name.'),
'real field' => 'name',
'argument' => array(
//'handler => 'views_handler_argument_string',
'handler' => 'i18nviews_handler_argument_taxonomy_term_name',
'help' => t('Translated taxonomy term name.'),
'many to one' => TRUE,
'empty field name' => t('Uncategorized'),
'real field' => 'name',
// Add term description (translated)
$data['taxonomy_term_data']['description_i18n'] = array(
'title' => t('Term description (translated)'),
'help' => t('The translated description associated with a taxonomy term.'),
'field' => array(
//'handler' => 'views_handler_field_markup',
'handler' => 'i18nviews_handler_field_taxonomy_term_description',
'format' => array(
'field' => 'format',
'real field' => 'description',
// Add i18n language field to taxonomy_term_data. No clash.
$data['taxonomy_term_data']['language'] = array(
'group' => t('Taxonomy term'),
'title' => t('Language'),
'help' => t('The language the term is in.'),
'field' => array(
'handler' => 'i18nviews_handler_field_taxonomy_term_language',
'click sortable' => TRUE,
'filter' => array(
'handler' => 'i18nviews_handler_filter_taxonomy_term_language',
'argument' => array(
'handler' => 'i18nviews_handler_argument_taxonomy_term_language',
$data['node']['term_node_tid_i18n'] = array(
'title' => t('Taxonomy terms on node (translated)'),
'help' => t('Relate nodes to taxonomy terms, specifiying which vocabulary or vocabularies to use. This relationship will cause duplicated records if there are multiple terms.'),
'field' => array(
'title' => t('All taxonomy terms (translated)'),
'help' => t('Display all taxonomy terms associated with a node from specified vocabularies.'),
//'handler' => 'views_handler_field_term_node_tid',
'handler' => 'i18nviews_handler_field_term_node_tid',
'no group by' => TRUE,
$data['node']['term_node_tid_depth_i18n'] = array(
'help' => t('Display content if it has the selected taxonomy terms, or children of the selected terms. Due to additional complexity, this has fewer options than the versions without depth.'),
'real field' => 'nid',
'argument' => array(
'title' => t('Has taxonomy term ID (with depth, translated)'),
//'handler' => views_handler_argument_term_node_tid_depth
'handler' => 'i18nviews_handler_argument_term_node_tid_depth',
'accept depth modifier' => TRUE,
'filter' => array(
'title' => t('Has taxonomy terms (with depth, translated)'),
//'handler' => 'views_handler_filter_term_node_tid_depth',
'handler' => 'i18nviews_handler_filter_term_node_tid_depth',
// @todo This stuff needs to move to a node field since
// really it's all about nodes.
// tid field
$data['taxonomy_index']['tid_i18n'] = array(
'group' => t('Content'),
'title' => t('Has taxonomy term ID (translated)'),
'help' => t('Display content if it has the selected taxonomy terms.'),
'real field' => 'tid',
'argument' => array(
//'handler' => 'views_handler_argument_term_node_tid',
'handler' => 'i18nviews_handler_argument_taxonomy_index_tid',
'name table' => 'taxonomy_term_data',
'name field' => 'name',
'empty field name' => t('Uncategorized'),
'numeric' => TRUE,
'skip base' => 'taxonomy_term_data',
'filter' => array(
'title' => t('Has taxonomy term (translated)'),
'handler' => 'i18nviews_handler_filter_taxonomy_index_tid',
'hierarchy table' => 'taxonomy_term_hierarchy',
'numeric' => TRUE,
'skip base' => 'taxonomy_term_data',
'allow empty' => TRUE,
// TODO CHECK this is missing in 7.x-3.x
//$data['term_index']['tid']['field']['handler'] = 'i18nviews_handler_field_term_index_tid';
// original views_handler_argument_term_node_tid
$data['term_index']['tid']['argument']['handler'] = 'i18nviews_handler_argument_term_index_tid';
// original views_handler_filter_term_node_tid
$data['term_index']['tid']['filter']['handler'] = 'i18nviews_handler_filter_term_index_tid';
// TODO CHECK this is missing in 7.x-3.x
//$data['node']['term_index_tid_depth']['argument']['handler'] = 'i18nviews_handler_argument_term_index_tid_depth';