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function i18nAccessTestCase::setUp in Translation Access 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 i18n_access.test \i18nAccessTestCase::setUp()

Implementation of setUp().

Overrides DrupalWebTestCase::setUp


./i18n_access.test, line 23
Test suite for i18n_access.module


@file Test suite for i18n_access.module


function setUp() {
  parent::setUp('locale', 'translation', 'i18n_access');
  $this->admin_user = $this
    'administer languages',
    'administer site configuration',
    'access administration pages',
    'administer content types',
    'administer nodes',
    'administer users',
  $this->translator = $this
    'create story content',
    'edit own story content',
    'translate content',
  $this->visitor = $this
    'access content',
    ->setLanguagePermissions($this->translator, array(

  // Set Story content type to use multilingual support with translation.
  $edit = array();
  $edit['language_content_type'] = 2;
    ->drupalPost('admin/content/node-type/story', $edit, t('Save content type'));
    ->assertRaw(t('The content type %type has been updated.', array(
    '%type' => 'Story',
  )), t('Story content type has been updated.'));