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i18n_access.module in Translation Access 7

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  1. 6 i18n_access.module



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 * @file
 * file_description

 * Implements hook_user_insert().
function i18n_access_user_insert(&$edit, &$account, $category = NULL) {
  if ($category == 'account') {

    // see user_admin_perm_submit()
    if (isset($edit['i18n_access'])) {
        ->condition('uid', $account->uid)
      $edit['i18n_access'] = array_filter($edit['i18n_access']);
      if (count($edit['i18n_access'])) {
          'uid' => $account->uid,
          'perm' => implode(', ', array_keys($edit['i18n_access'])),

 * Implements hook_user_update().
function i18n_access_user_update(&$edit, &$account, $category = NULL) {
  if ($category == 'account') {

    // see user_admin_perm_submit()
    if (isset($edit['i18n_access'])) {
        ->condition('uid', $account->uid)
      $edit['i18n_access'] = array_filter($edit['i18n_access']);
      if (count($edit['i18n_access'])) {
          'uid' => $account->uid,
          'perm' => implode(', ', array_keys($edit['i18n_access'])),

 * Load the language permissions for a given user
function i18n_access_load_permissions($uid = NULL) {
  static $perms = array();

  // use the global user id if none is passed
  if (!isset($uid)) {
    $uid = $GLOBALS['user']->uid;
    $account = NULL;
  else {
    $account = user_load($uid);
  if (!isset($perms[$uid])) {
    $perm_string = db_query('SELECT perm FROM {i18n_access} WHERE uid = :uid', array(
      ':uid' => $uid,
    if ($perm_string) {
      $perms[$uid] = drupal_map_assoc(explode(', ', $perm_string));
    else {
      $perms[$uid] = array();

  // adding the default languages if permission has been granted
  if (user_access('access selected languages', $account)) {
    $perms[$uid] = array_merge($perms[$uid], drupal_map_assoc(variable_get('i18n_access_languages', array())));
  return $perms[$uid];

 * Implements hook_permission().
function i18n_access_permission() {
  return array(
    'access selected languages' => array(
      'title' => t('Access selected languages'),
      'description' => t('access selected languages.'),

 * Implements hook_form_node_form_alter().
function i18n_access_form_node_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  if (isset($form['language']['#options'])) {

    // Remove inaccessible languages from the select box
    // don't do it for  admininstrators
    if (!user_access('administer nodes')) {
      $perms = i18n_access_load_permissions();
      foreach ($form['language']['#options'] as $key => $value) {
        $perm_key = $key == '' ? I18N_ACCESS_LANGUAGE_NEUTRAL : $key;
        if ($key != 'en' && empty($perms[$perm_key])) {

 * Implements hook_form_alter().
function i18n_access_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {

  //Configuring translation edit form to limit it to allowed language
  if ($form_id == 'i18n_node_select_translation' && !user_access('administer nodes')) {
    $perms = i18n_access_load_permissions();
    foreach ($form['translations']['nid'] as $language => $translation) {
      if (!isset($perms[$language]) && $language != '#tree') {
    foreach ($form['translations']['language'] as $language => $translation) {
      if (!isset($perms[$language]) && $language != '#tree') {
    foreach ($form['translations']['node'] as $language => $translation) {
      if (!isset($perms[$language]) && $language != '#tree') {

  // Add i18n_access things to user/edit /user/add
  if ($form_id == 'user_register_form' || $form_id == 'user_profile_form') {
    $form['i18n_access'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('Translation access'),
      '#tree' => 0,
      '#access' => user_access('administer users'),
    $form['i18n_access']['i18n_access'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkboxes',
      '#options' => array(
        I18N_ACCESS_LANGUAGE_NEUTRAL => t('Language neutral'),
      ) + locale_language_list('name'),
      '#default_value' => i18n_access_load_permissions($form['#user']->uid),
      '#description' => t('Select the languages that this user should have permission to create and edit content for.'),

 * Wrapper around node_access() with additional checks for language permissions.
 * @see node_access()
function i18n_access_node_access($node, $op, $account = NULL) {
  if (is_object($node)) {
    global $user;

    // If no user object is supplied, the access check is for the current user.
    if (empty($account)) {
      $account = $user;

    // Bypass completely if node_access returns false.

    //TODO $access = node_access($node, $op, $account);

    /* TODO if (!$access) {
         return FALSE;
       } */

    // This module doesn't deal with view permissions
    if ($op == 'view') {
      return NODE_ACCESS_IGNORE;

    // make sure that administrators always have access
    if (user_access('administer nodes', $account)) {
      return TRUE;
    $perms = i18n_access_load_permissions($account->uid);

    // Make sure to use the language neutral constant if node language is empty
    $langcode = $node->language ? $node->language : I18N_ACCESS_LANGUAGE_NEUTRAL;

    //return isset($perms[$langcode]) ? (bool) $perms[$langcode] : NODE_ACCESS_DENY;
    return isset($perms[$langcode]) ? NODE_ACCESS_ALLOW : NODE_ACCESS_DENY;

 * Implements hook_menu_alter().
function i18n_access_menu_alter(&$items) {

  // Replace the translation overview page since we can't hook it.
  $items['node/%node/translate']['page callback'] = 'i18n_access_translation_node_overview';
function i18n_access_translation_node_overview($node) {
  include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
  if (!empty($node->tnid)) {

    // Already part of a set, grab that set.
    $tnid = $node->tnid;
    $translations = translation_node_get_translations($node->tnid);
  else {

    // We have no translation source nid, this could be a new set, emulate that.
    $tnid = $node->nid;
    $translations = array(
      $node->language => $node,
  $type = variable_get('translation_language_type', LANGUAGE_TYPE_INTERFACE);
  $header = array(

  //added from i18n/i18n_node/ function
  global $user;
  $account = $user;
  $perms = i18n_access_load_permissions($account->uid);


  // Modes have different allowed languages
  foreach (i18n_node_language_list($node) as $langcode => $language_name) {
    if ($langcode == LANGUAGE_NONE) {

      // Never show language neutral on the overview.
    $options = array();
    if (isset($translations[$langcode])) {

      // Existing translation in the translation set: display status.
      // We load the full node to check whether the user can edit it.
      $translation_node = node_load($translations[$langcode]->nid);
      $path = 'node/' . $translation_node->nid;
      $title = i18n_node_translation_link($translation_node->title, $path, $langcode);
      if (node_access('update', $translation_node)) {
        $text = t('edit');
        $path = 'node/' . $translation_node->nid . '/edit';
        $options[] = i18n_node_translation_link($text, $path, $langcode);
      $status = $translation_node->status ? t('Published') : t('Not published');
      $status .= $translation_node->translate ? ' - <span class="marker">' . t('outdated') . '</span>' : '';
      if ($translation_node->nid == $tnid) {
        $language_name = t('<strong>@language_name</strong> (source)', array(
          '@language_name' => $language_name,
    else {

      // No such translation in the set yet: help user to create it.
      $title = t('n/a');
      if (node_access('create', $node)) {
        $text = t('add translation');
        $path = 'node/add/' . str_replace('_', '-', $node->type);
        $query = array(
          'query' => array(
            'translation' => $node->nid,
            'target' => $langcode,

        //condition added from i18n/i18n_node/
        if (in_array($langcode, $perms)) {
          $options[] = i18n_node_translation_link($text, $path, $langcode, $query);
      $status = t('Not translated');
    $rows[] = array(
      implode(" | ", $options),
  drupal_set_title(t('Translations of %title', array(
    '%title' => $node->title,
  $build['translation_node_overview'] = array(
    '#theme' => 'table',
    '#header' => $header,
    '#rows' => $rows,
  if (user_access('administer content translations')) {
    $build['translation_node_select'] = drupal_get_form('i18n_node_select_translation', $node, $translations);
  return $build;

 * Implements hook_menu().
function i18n_access_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['admin/settings/language/access'] = array(
    'title' => 'Access',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'weight' => 10,
  return $items;

 * Admin settings form
function i18n_access_admin_settings() {
  $form['i18n_access_languages'] = array(
    '#title' => t('Select the default access languages'),
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#multiple' => 'true',
    '#options' => array(
      I18N_ACCESS_LANGUAGE_NEUTRAL => t('Language neutral'),
    ) + locale_language_list('name'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('i18n_access_languages', array()),
    '#description' => t("This selection of languages will be connected with the 'access selected languages' permission which you can use to grant a role access to these languages at once."),
  return system_settings_form($form);


Namesort descending Description
i18n_access_admin_settings Admin settings form
i18n_access_form_alter Implements hook_form_alter().
i18n_access_form_node_form_alter Implements hook_form_node_form_alter().
i18n_access_load_permissions Load the language permissions for a given user
i18n_access_menu Implements hook_menu().
i18n_access_menu_alter Implements hook_menu_alter().
i18n_access_node_access Wrapper around node_access() with additional checks for language permissions.
i18n_access_permission Implements hook_permission().
i18n_access_user_insert Implements hook_user_insert().
i18n_access_user_update Implements hook_user_update().


Namesort descending Description
I18N_ACCESS_LANGUAGE_NEUTRAL @file file_description