function i18ntaxonomy_translate_vocabulary_name in Internationalization 6
Translate vocabulary name
$vid: Vocabulary id or vocabulary object
$name: Filtered default(untranslated) name
4 calls to i18ntaxonomy_translate_vocabulary_name()
- i18ntaxonomy_form_all_localize in i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.module - Localize a taxonomy_form_all() kind of control
- i18ntaxonomy_node_form in i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.module - Handle node form taxonomy.
- i18ntaxonomy_preprocess_forums in i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.module - Translate forum page.
- i18ntaxonomy_vocabulary_form in i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.module - Generate a form element for selecting terms from a vocabulary. Translates all translatable strings.
- i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.module, line 214 - i18n taxonomy module
function i18ntaxonomy_translate_vocabulary_name($vid, $name = '', $langcode = NULL) {
return is_object($vid) ? i18nstrings_string("taxonomy:vocabulary:{$vid->vid}:name", $vid->name, $langcode, TRUE) : i18nstrings_string("taxonomy:vocabulary:{$vid}:name", $name, $langcode);