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function i18nsync_node_translation_filefield_field in Internationalization 6

Translating an filefield (cck).

1 call to i18nsync_node_translation_filefield_field()
i18nsync_node_translation in i18nsync/i18nsync.module
Synchronizes fields for node translation.


i18nsync/i18nsync.module, line 387
Internationalization (i18n) package. Synchronization of translations


function i18nsync_node_translation_filefield_field(&$node, &$translation, $field) {
  if (is_array($node->{$field})) {
    $translated_images = array();
    foreach ($node->{$field} as $file) {
      $found = false;

      // Try to find existing translations of the filefield items and reference them.
      foreach ($translation->{$field} as $translation_image) {
        if ($file['fid'] == $translation_image['fid']) {
          $translated_images[] = $translation_image;
          $found = true;

      // If there was no translation found for the filefield item, just copy it.
      if (!$found) {
        $translated_images[] = $file;
    $translation->{$field} = $translated_images;