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function i18nstrings_form_alter in Internationalization 6

Implementation of hook_form_alter().

Add English language in some string forms when it is not the default.


i18nstrings/i18nstrings.module, line 139
Internationalization (i18n) package - translatable strings.


function i18nstrings_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
  switch ($form_id) {
    case 'locale_translate_export_po_form':
    case 'locale_translate_import_form':
      $names = locale_language_list('name', TRUE);
      if (language_default('language') != 'en' && array_key_exists('en', $names)) {
        if (isset($form['export'])) {
          $form['export']['langcode']['#options']['en'] = $names['en'];
        else {
          $form['import']['langcode']['#options'][t('Already added languages')]['en'] = $names['en'];
    case 'locale_translate_edit_form':

      // Restrict filter permissions and handle validation and submission for i18n strings
      $context = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {i18n_strings} WHERE lid = %d", $form['lid']['#value']));
      if ($context) {
        $form['i18nstrings_context'] = array(
          '#type' => 'value',
          '#value' => $context,

        // Replace validate callback
        $form['#validate'] = array(
        if ($context->format) {
          $format = filter_formats($context->format);
          $disabled = !filter_access($context->format);
          if ($disabled) {
            drupal_set_message(t('This string uses the %name input format. You are not allowed to translate or edit texts with this format.', array(
              '%name' => $format->name,
            )), 'warning');
          foreach (element_children($form['translations']) as $langcode) {
            $form['translations'][$langcode]['#disabled'] = $disabled;
          $form['translations']['format_help'] = array(
            '#type' => 'item',
            '#title' => t('Input format: @name', array(
              '@name' => $format->name,
            '#value' => theme('filter_tips', _filter_tips($context->format, FALSE)),
          $form['submit']['#disabled'] = $disabled;

      // Aditional submit callback
      $form['#submit'][] = 'i18nstrings_translate_edit_form_submit';
    case 'l10n_client_form':
      $form['#action'] = url('i18nstrings/save');