13 calls to i18nstrings_update() in Internationalization 6
- i18nblocks_locale_refresh in i18nblocks/
i18nblocks.module - Refresh all strings.
- i18nblocks_save in i18nblocks/
i18nblocks.module - Set block language data.
- i18ncck_locale_refresh in i18ncck/
i18ncck.module - Refresh locale strings.
- i18ncontent_locale_refresh in i18ncontent/
i18ncontent.module - Refresh content type strings.
- i18ncontent_node_type in i18ncontent/
i18ncontent.module - Implementation of hook_node_type().
- i18nprofile_field_form_submit in i18nprofile/
i18nprofile.module - Process profile_field_form submissions.
- i18nprofile_locale_refresh in i18nprofile/
i18nprofile.module - Refresh strings.
- i18nprofile_update_2 in i18nprofile/
i18nprofile.install - Drop old table and fields.
- i18ntaxonomy_locale_refresh in i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.module - Refresh strings.
- i18ntaxonomy_taxonomy in i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.module - Implementation of hook_taxonomy().
- i18n_Strings_Test::testStringsAPI in tests/
i18n_strings.test - Test base i18nstrings API
- _i18nmenu_get_item_description in i18nmenu/
i18nmenu.module - Optionally insert/update and return a localized menu item description.
- _i18nmenu_get_item_title in i18nmenu/
i18nmenu.module - Optionally insert/update and return a localized menu item title.