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function i18ncck_locale_refresh in Internationalization 6

Refresh locale strings.

1 call to i18ncck_locale_refresh()
i18ncck_enable in i18ncck/i18ncck.install
Implementation of hook_enable().
1 string reference to 'i18ncck_locale_refresh'
i18ncck_locale in i18ncck/i18ncck.module
Implementation of hook_locale().


i18ncck/i18ncck.module, line 32
Internationalization (i18n) submodule: CCK.


function i18ncck_locale_refresh() {
  foreach (content_types() as $content_type => $type) {

    // Localization of CCK fields.
    if (isset($type['fields'])) {
      foreach ($type['fields'] as $field_name => $field) {

        // Localize field title and description per content type.
        i18nstrings_update('cck:field:' . $content_type . '-' . $field_name . ':widget_label', $field['widget']['label']);
        if (!empty($field['widget']['description'])) {
          i18nstrings_update('cck:field:' . $content_type . '-' . $field_name . ':widget_description', $field['widget']['description']);

        // Localize allowed values per field.
        if (empty($field['allowed_values_php']) && !empty($field['allowed_values'])) {
          $function = $field['module'] . '_allowed_values';
          $allowed_values = function_exists($function) ? $function($field) : (array) content_allowed_values($field);
          if (!empty($allowed_values)) {
            foreach ($allowed_values as $key => $value) {
              i18nstrings_update('cck:field:' . $field_name . ':option_' . i18ncck_get_safe_value($key), $value);

    // Localization of CCK fieldgroups.
    if (module_exists('fieldgroup')) {
      foreach (fieldgroup_groups($content_type) as $group_name => $group) {
        i18nstrings_update('cck:fieldgroup:' . $content_type . '-' . $group_name . ':label', $group['label']);
        if (!empty($group['settings']['form']['description'])) {
          i18nstrings_update('cck:fieldgroup:' . $content_type . '-' . $group_name . ':form_description', $group['settings']['form']['description']);
        if (!empty($group['settings']['display']['description'])) {
          i18nstrings_update('cck:fieldgroup:' . $content_type . '-' . $group_name . ':display_description', $group['settings']['display']['description']);
  return TRUE;

  // Meaning it completed with no issues