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function i18n_string_translate_check_string in Internationalization 7

Check whether there is any problem for the user to translate a specific string.

Here we assume the user has 'translate interface' access that should have been checked for the page. Possible reasons a user cannot translate a string:


$i18nstring: String object.

$account: Optional user account, defaults to current user.

Return value

None or empty string if the user has access to translate the string. Message if the user cannot translate that string.

1 call to i18n_string_translate_check_string()
i18n_string_object::check_translate_access in i18n_string/
Check whether there is any problem for the user to translate a this string.


i18n_string/i18n_string.module, line 645
Internationalization (i18n) package - translatable strings.


function i18n_string_translate_check_string($i18nstring, $account = NULL) {

  // Check block translation permissions.
  if ($i18nstring->textgroup == 'blocks') {
    if (!user_access('translate interface', $account) && !user_access('translate blocks', $account)) {
      return t('This is a user-defined string within a block. You are not allowed to translate blocks.');
  elseif (!user_access('translate interface', $account) || !user_access('translate user-defined strings', $account)) {
    return t('This is a user-defined string. You are not allowed to translate these strings.');
  if (!empty($i18nstring->format)) {
    if (!i18n_string_allowed_format($i18nstring->format)) {
      $format = filter_format_load($i18nstring->format);
      return t('This string uses the %name text format. Strings with this format are not allowed for translation.', array(
        '%name' => $format->name,
    elseif ($format = filter_format_load($i18nstring->format)) {

      // It is a text format, check user access to that text format.
      if (!filter_access($format, $account)) {
        return t('This string uses the %name text format. You are not allowed to translate or edit texts with this format.', array(
          '%name' => $format->name,
    else {

      // This is one of our special formats, I18N_STRING_FILTER_*
      if ($i18nstring->format == I18N_STRING_FILTER_XSS_ADMIN && !user_access('translate admin strings', $account)) {
        return t('The source string is an administrative string. You are not allowed to translate these strings.');

  // No error message, it should be OK to translate.
  return '';