function i18n_string_translate in Internationalization 7
Get translation for user defined string.
This function is intended to return translations for plain strings that have NO text format
array|string name: Array or string concatenated with ':' that contains textgroup and string context
array|string $string: A string in the default language, a string wth format (array with keys value and format),or an array of strings (without format) to be translated.
array $options: An associative array of additional options, with the following keys:
- 'langcode' (defaults to the current language) The language code to translate to a language other than what is used to display the page.
- 'filter' Filtering callback to apply to the translated string only
- 'format' Input format to apply to the translated string only
- 'callback' Callback to apply to the result (both to translated or untranslated string
- 'sanitize' Whether to filter the translation applying the text format if any, default is TRUE
- 'sanitize default' Whether to filter the default value if no translation found, default is FALSE
Return value
12 calls to i18n_string_translate()
- i18nStringTestCase::testStringsAPI in i18n_string/
i18n_string.test - Test base i18n_string API
- i18n_contact_form_contact_site_form_alter in i18n_contact/
i18n_contact.module - Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
- i18n_field_translate_allowed_values in i18n_field/
i18n_field.module - Returns the array of translated allowed values for a list field.
- i18n_field_translate_default in i18n_field/
i18n_field.module - Translate field default.
- i18n_node_tokens in i18n_node/ - Implements hook_tokens().
1 string reference to 'i18n_string_translate'
- i18n_string in ./
i18n.module - Translate or update user defined string. Entry point for i18n_string API if enabled.
- i18n_string/
i18n_string.module, line 592 - Internationalization (i18n) package - translatable strings.
function i18n_string_translate($name, $string, $options = array()) {
if (is_array($string) && isset($string['value'])) {
$string = $string['value'];
if (is_array($string)) {
return i18n_string_translate_list($name, $string, $options);
else {
$options['langcode'] = $langcode = isset($options['langcode']) ? $options['langcode'] : i18n_langcode();
if (i18n_string_translate_langcode($langcode)) {
list($textgroup, $context) = i18n_string_context($name);
$translation = i18n_string_textgroup($textgroup)
->context_translate($context, $string, $options);
// Add for l10n client if available, we pass translation object that contains the format
i18n_string_l10n_client_add($translation, $langcode);
return $translation
->format_translation($langcode, $options);
else {
// If we don't want to translate to this language, format and return
$options['sanitize'] = !empty($options['sanitize default']);
return i18n_string_format($string, $options);