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protected function i18n_string_textgroup_cached::multiple_cache_get in Internationalization 7

Get strings from multiple cache.


$context array: String context as array with language property at the end.

Return value

mixed Array of strings (may be empty) if we've got a cache hit. Null otherwise.

Overrides i18n_string_textgroup_default::multiple_cache_get


i18n_string/, line 1483
API for internationalization strings


Textgroup handler for i18n_string API which integrated persistent caching.


protected function multiple_cache_get($context) {

  // Ensure the values from the persistent cache are properly re-build.
  $cache_key = implode(':', $context);
  if (isset($this->cache_multiple[$cache_key])) {
    foreach ($this->cache_multiple[$cache_key] as $cached_context) {
      if (is_string($cached_context)) {
        $i8n_string_object = new i18n_string_object(array(
          'textgroup' => $this->textgroup,
        $this->cache_multiple[$cache_key][$cached_context] = $i8n_string_object;
  else {

    // Now we try more generic keys. For instance, if we are searching 'term:1:*'
    // we may try too 'term:*:*' and filter out the results.
    foreach ($context as $key => $value) {
      if ($value != '*') {
        $try = array_merge($context, array(
          $key => '*',
        $cached_results = $this

        // Now filter the ones that actually match.
        if (!empty($cached_results)) {
          $cached_results = $this
            ->string_filter($cached_results, $context);
        return $cached_results;
  return parent::multiple_cache_get($context);