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function i18n_field_i18n_object_info_alter in Internationalization 7

Implements hook_i18n_object_info_alter().


i18n_field/i18n_field.module, line 522
Internationalization (i18n) module - Field handling


function i18n_field_i18n_object_info_alter(&$info) {
  if (drupal_static('i18n_field_entity_property_callback')) {
    if ($info = drupal_static('i18n_object_info')) {

      // Clean static and permanent cache of the data and then re-run the property
      // building.
      // Use a lock to avoid stampeding.
      $lock_name = 'i18n_field_entity_property_callback_fallback:' . $GLOBALS['language']->language;

      // See if another request is already doing this. If so we bail out here as
      // we won't help with anything at the moment.
      if (!lock_may_be_available($lock_name)) {
      if (lock_acquire($lock_name)) {

        // Inject translated properties.
        $entity_property_info = entity_get_property_info();
        foreach ($entity_property_info as $entity_type => $properties) {
          if (isset($properties['bundles'])) {
            foreach ($properties['bundles'] as $bundle => $bundle_properties) {
              if ($bundle_properties['properties']) {
                foreach ($bundle_properties['properties'] as $bundle_property => $bundle_property_info) {
                  if ($instance = field_info_instance($entity_type, $bundle_property, $bundle)) {
                    $property =& $entity_property_info[$entity_type]['bundles'][$instance['bundle']]['properties'][$bundle_property];
                    $property['label'] = i18n_field_translate_property($instance, 'label', $GLOBALS['language']->language);

        // Inject into static cache.
        $entity_get_property_info =& drupal_static('entity_get_property_info', array());
        $entity_get_property_info = $entity_property_info;

        // Write permanent cache.
        cache_set('entity_property_info:' . $GLOBALS['language']->language, $entity_property_info);
    else {
      watchdog('i18n_field', 'Unable to run fall-back handling for entity property translation due missing "i18n_object_info" cache', array(), WATCHDOG_WARNING);