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11 uses of HTTPBL_LIST_BLACK in http:BL 8

HostForm::save in src/Form/HostForm.php
Form submission handler for the 'save' action.
HostListBuilder::buildRow in src/Entity/Controller/HostListBuilder.php
Builds a row for an entity in the entity listing.
HostMultipleBanConfirm::submitForm in src/Form/HostMultipleBanConfirm.php
Form submission handler.
HostMultipleUnbanConfirm::buildForm in src/Form/HostMultipleUnbanConfirm.php
Form constructor.
HttpblEvaluator::evaluateVisitor in src/HttpblEvaluator.php
Manages remote and local lookups on visiting host IPs, evaluates their remote status as safe or suspicious and determines a locally stored status (safe / white-listed, grey-listed, or blacklisted) which is used (by other functions) to determine an…
HttpblEvaluator::setIpLocalStatus in src/HttpblEvaluator.php
Create and store new evaluated hosts to httpbl_host table.
HttpblEvaluator::updateIpLocalStatus in src/HttpblEvaluator.php
Update stored status of Host IP.
HttpblResponse::buildHttpblResponse in src/HttpblResponse.php
Build a new HttpblResponse based on evaluation status.
HttpblWhitelistForm::validateForm in src/Form/HttpblWhitelistForm.php
Form validation handler.
httpbl_comment_presave in ./httpbl.module
Implements hook_comment_presave().
StatusEnhanced::render in src/Plugin/views/field/StatusEnhanced.php
Renders the field.