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public function HttpblEvaluator::setIpLocalStatus in http:BL 8

Create and store new evaluated hosts to httpbl_host table.

(legacy name was "_httpbl_cache_set")

Overrides HttpblEvaluatorInterface::setIpLocalStatus

1 call to HttpblEvaluator::setIpLocalStatus()
HttpblEvaluator::evaluateVisitor in src/HttpblEvaluator.php
Manages remote and local lookups on visiting host IPs, evaluates their remote status as safe or suspicious and determines a locally stored status (safe / white-listed, grey-listed, or blacklisted) which is used (by other functions) to determine an…


src/HttpblEvaluator.php, line 440


HttpblEvaluator evaluates visitor/host page requests.




public function setIpLocalStatus($ip, $status, $offset = 0) {
  $hosts = HostQuery::loadHostsByIp($ip);
  if (isset($hosts) && empty($hosts)) {
    $host = Host::create([
      'host_ip' => $ip,
      'host_status' => $status,
      'expire' => \Drupal::time()
        ->getRequestTime() + $offset,
      'source' => HTTPBL_ORIGINAL_SOURCE,
    $project_link = $host
    $source = $host

    // If configured to also ban blacklisted IPs via Drupal Core Ban module...
    if ($status == HTTPBL_LIST_BLACK && \Drupal::state()
      ->get('') == HTTPBL_DB_HH_DRUPAL && \Drupal::moduleHandler()
      ->moduleExists('ban')) {

      // Ban this IP!
        ->trapNotice('Host: new blacklisted and banned @title. Source: @source.', array(
        '@title' => $host
        '@source' => $source,
        'link' => $project_link,
    elseif ($status == HTTPBL_LIST_BLACK && \Drupal::state()
      ->get('') == HTTPBL_DB_HH) {
        ->trapNotice('Host: new blacklisted @title. Source: @source.', array(
        '@title' => $host
        '@source' => $source,
        'link' => $project_link,
    elseif ($status == HTTPBL_LIST_GREY) {
        ->trapNotice('Host: new grey-listed @title. Source: @source.', array(
        '@title' => $host
        '@source' => $source,
        'link' => $project_link,
    elseif ($status == HTTPBL_LIST_SAFE) {

      // Most IPs should be safe, so only log this as Info.
        ->trapInfo('Host: new white-listed @title. Source: @source.', array(
        '@title' => $host
        '@source' => $source,
        'link' => $project_link,
  else {
      ->trapError('Attempt to add host @ip, but it already exists!', [
      '@ip' => $ip,
  return FALSE;