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6 calls to HostQuery::loadHostsByIp() in http:BL 8

drush_httpbl_sol in drush/
Command handler. Quickly remove localhost (or any given IP) from ban & httpbl tabled. Useful for testing.
HttpblEvaluator::drushWhitelist in src/HttpblEvaluator.php
Emergency White-list Update of Host IP.
HttpblEvaluator::getIpLocalStatus in src/HttpblEvaluator.php
Get status of IP in httpbl_host table of stored hosts.
HttpblEvaluator::setIpLocalStatus in src/HttpblEvaluator.php
Create and store new evaluated hosts to httpbl_host table.
HttpblEvaluator::updateIpLocalStatus in src/HttpblEvaluator.php
Update stored status of Host IP.
httpbl_comment_presave in ./httpbl.module
Implements hook_comment_presave().