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Files in http:BL 6.2

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description name = http:BL description = Implementation of http:BL for Drupal. package = "Spam control" core = 6.x
httpbl.install httpbl.install
httpbl.module httpbl.module Implementation of http:BL for Drupal. It provides IP-based blacklisting through http:BL and allows linking to a honeypot. views/ Views exposure of http:BL for Drupal. Provides easy monitoring of IPs greylisted or blacklisted through http:BL and linking to honeypot to review why these IPs have been blocked. views/ Default Views for http:BL for Drupal. Provides easy monitoring of IPs greylisted or blacklisted through http:BL and linking to honeypot to review why these IPs have been blocked.
README.txt README.txt Read Me (README.txt) --------------------------------------------------------- * Version 6.x-2.x * Contact: Bryan Lewellen (bryrock) ( * Summary of Key Features in this version: * Logs work! * Session and cached…
README.txt views/README.txt Read Me (README.txt) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIEWs for HTTPBL ---------------------- - provides exposure of httpbl table to…

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