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http_response_headers_ui.test in HTTP Response Headers 7


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 * @file
 * Tests for http_response_headers_ui.module.
class HttpResponseHeadersUITestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  protected $adminUser;

   * Test case meta information.
   * @return array
   *   An array of test case details.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Http Response Headers UI test',
      'description' => 'Add, edit and delete HTTP header rule.',
      'group' => 'HTTP response headers',

   * Sets up test environment.
  protected function setUp() {

    // Create and log in an administrative user.
    $this->adminUser = $this
      'administer http response headers',
      'access administration pages',

    // Set up default header list on configuration page.

   * Test creating header rule.
  public function testHeaderRuleAdminUI() {

    // Confirm that the add rule link appears on header rule overview pages.
      ->assertRaw(l(t('Add'), 'admin/config/system/http-response-headers/add'), 'Add header rule link is present on overview page.');

    // Add a new header rule by filling out the input
    // form on the admin/config/system/http-response-headers/add page.
    $name = $this
    $visibility_options = array(
      'pages' => 'node/*',
      'types[article]' => 'article',
      ->createHeaderRule(strtolower($name), $name, 'Cache-Control', 'max-age=3600', $visibility_options);

    // Confirm that the header rule has been created, and then
    // query the created machine_name.
      ->assertText(t('!name has been created.', array(
      '!name' => strtolower($name),
    )), 'Header rule successfully created.');
    $machine_name = db_query("SELECT machine_name FROM {http_response_headers} WHERE description= :name", array(
      ':name' => strtolower($name),

    // Check to see if the header rule was created by checking
    // that it's in the database.
      ->assertNotNull($machine_name, 'Header rule found in database');

    // Check that http_response_headers_rule_load() returns
    // the correct name and content.
    $data = http_response_headers_rule_load($machine_name);
      ->assertEqual('max-age=3600', $data->header_value, 'http_response_headers_rule_load() provides correct header details.');

    // Verify presence of configure and delete links for header rule.
      ->assertLinkByHref('admin/config/system/http-response-headers/list/' . $machine_name . '/edit', 0, 'Header rule configure link found.');
      ->assertLinkByHref('admin/config/system/http-response-headers/list/' . $machine_name . '/delete', 0, 'Header rule delete link found.');

    // Set visibility only for authenticated users,
    // to verify delete functionality.
    $edit = array();
    $edit['roles[' . DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID . ']'] = TRUE;
      ->drupalPost('admin/config/system/http-response-headers/list/' . $machine_name . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));

    // Delete the created header rule  & verify that it's been deleted
    // and no longer applying on the page.
      ->assertRaw(t('The item has been deleted.'), 'Header rule successfully deleted.');
    $count = db_query("SELECT 1 FROM {http_response_headers} WHERE description= :name", array(
      ':name' => $name,
      ->assertFalse($count, 'Table http_response_headers being cleaned.');

   * Test header rule visibility.
  public function testHeaderRuleVisibility() {

    // Create a random name for the header rule.
    $name = $this
    $visibility_options = array();
    $header = 'Cache-Control';
    $header_value = 'max-age=3600';
      ->createHeaderRule(strtolower($name), $name, $header, $header_value, $visibility_options);
    $machine_name = db_query("SELECT machine_name FROM {http_response_headers} WHERE description= :name", array(
      ':name' => strtolower($name),

    // Set the header rule to be not applied on any user path, and to be
    // applied only to authenticated users.
    $edit = array();
    $edit['pages'] = 'user*';
    $edit['roles[' . DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID . ']'] = TRUE;
      ->drupalPost('admin/config/system/http-response-headers/list/' . $machine_name . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));
    $headers = $this
      ->assertEqual($headers[strtolower($header)], $header_value, 'Header rule was applied on the front page.');
    $headers = $this
      ->assertNotEqual($headers[strtolower($header)], $header_value, 'Header rule was not applied according to block visibility rules.');
      ->drupalGet('USER/' . $this->adminUser->uid);
    $headers = $this
      ->assertNotEqual($headers[strtolower($header)], $header_value, 'Header rule was not applied according to header rule visibility rules regardless of path case.');

    // Confirm that the rule is not applied to anonymous users.
    $headers = $this
      ->assertNotEqual($headers[strtolower($header)], $header_value, 'Header rule was not applied to anonymous users.');

   * Test header rule with empty "pages" textarea.
  public function testHeaderRuleVisibilityListedEmpty() {

    // Create a random name for the header rule.
    $name = $this
    $visibility_options = array();
    $header = 'Cache-Control';
    $header_value = 'max-age=3600';
      ->createHeaderRule(strtolower($name), $name, $header, $header_value, $visibility_options);
    $machine_name = db_query("SELECT machine_name FROM {http_response_headers} WHERE description= :name", array(
      ':name' => strtolower($name),

    // Set the rule to be hidden on any user path, and to be applied only to
    // authenticated users.
    $edit = array();
    $edit['visibility'] = BLOCK_VISIBILITY_LISTED;
      ->drupalPost('admin/config/system/http-response-headers/list/' . $machine_name . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));
    $headers = $this
      ->assertNotEqual($headers[strtolower($header)], $header_value, 'Header rule was not applied according to visibility rules.');
    $headers = $this
      ->assertNotEqual($headers[strtolower($header)], $header_value, 'Header rule was not applied according to visibility rules regardless of path case.');

    // Confirm that the header rule is not applied to anonymous users.
    $headers = $this
      ->assertNotEqual($headers[strtolower($header)], $header_value, 'Header rule was not applied to anonymous user.');

   * Test header rule helpers that changes the user input.
  public function testHeaderRuleHelpers() {

    // Create a header rule with 'Expires' header.
    $name = $this
    $visibility_options = array(
      'pages' => 'user*',
    $header = 'Expires';
    $header_value = '3600';
      ->createHeaderRule(strtolower($name), $name, $header, $header_value, $visibility_options);

    // Get user page to check Expires has
    // 'Mon, 14 Oct 2013 15:42:25 +0000' format value, instead of 3600.
    $headers = $this
      ->assertEqual($headers[strtolower($header)], http_response_headers_expires_callback($header_value), 'Expires header was applied to user pages.');

    // Create a header rule with 'Last-Modified' header.
    $name = $this
    $visibility_options = array(
      'pages' => 'user*',
    $header = 'Last-Modified';
    $header_value = '3600';
      ->createHeaderRule(strtolower($name), $name, $header, $header_value, $visibility_options);

    // Get user page to check Last-Modified has
    // 'Mon, 14 Oct 2013 15:42:25 GMT' format value, instead of 3600.
    // @see
    $headers = $this
    $rfc7231 = preg_match('/[A-Z][a-z]{2}, [0-9]{1,2} [A-Z][a-z]{2} [0-9]{4} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2} GMT/', $headers[strtolower($header)]);
      ->assertTrue((bool) $rfc7231, 'Last-Modified header was applied to user pages.');

    // Check the Last-Modified header matched the Date header. This is somewhat
    // reliant on the webserver, but most seem to follow the spec.
    // @see
    // N.B. this test is only valid for an uncached response.
    // @see http_response_headers_last_modified_callback()
      ->assertEqual($headers[strtolower($header)], $headers[strtolower('Date')], 'Last-Modified header matched the Date response header.');

   * Setup default configuration for HTTP response headers.
  protected function setupDefaultConfiguration() {
    $edit['http_response_headers_allowed_headers[]'] = array(
      'Cache-Control' => 'Cache-Control',
      'Expires' => 'Expires',
      'X-Frame-Options' => 'X-Frame-Options',
      'Last-Modified' => 'Last-Modified',

    // Make sure admin pages are excluded globally.
    $edit['http_response_headers_exclude_pages'] = 'admin*';
      ->drupalPost('admin/config/system/http-response-headers/settings', $edit, t('Save configuration'));

   * Helper to create new header rule.
   * @param string $machine_name
   *   A string rule ID.
   * @param string $name
   *   A string name.
   * @param string  $header
   *   A string header.
   * @param mixed $header_value
   *   Header value
   * @param array $visibility_options
   *   An array of visibility options.
   * @return string
   *   A string rule ID created.
  protected function createHeaderRule($machine_name, $name, $header, $header_value, $visibility_options = array()) {
    $header_rule['description'] = $name;
    $header_rule['machine_name'] = $machine_name;
    $header_rule['header'] = $header;
    $header_rule['header_value'] = $header_value;
    $header_rule += $visibility_options;
      ->drupalPost('admin/config/system/http-response-headers/add', $header_rule, t('Save'));
    return $machine_name;

   * Deletes a rule with given rule ID.
   * @param string $machine_name
   *   A string rule ID.
  protected function deleteHeaderRule($machine_name) {
      ->drupalPost('admin/config/system/http-response-headers/list/' . $machine_name . '/delete', array(), t('Delete'));
      ->assertNoRaw($machine_name, 'Header rule no longer appears on page.');
