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function http_response_headers_rule_load in HTTP Response Headers 7

Loads a HTTP header rule object from the database.


string $machine_name: ID of the rule to load.

bool $reset: Flag to reset cached objects.

Return value

stdClass A header rule object.

6 calls to http_response_headers_rule_load()
drush_http_response_headers_http_header_add_validate in ./
Validation callback for drush_http_response_headers_http_header_set().
drush_http_response_headers_http_header_get in ./
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drush_http_response_headers_http_header_get_validate in ./
Validates the given rule ID is valid.
drush_http_response_headers_http_header_set in ./
Sets header rule.
drush_http_response_headers_http_header_set_validate in ./
Validation callback for drush_http_response_headers_http_header_set().

... See full list

1 string reference to 'http_response_headers_rule_load'
http_response_headers_schema in ./http_response_headers.install
Implements hook_schema().


./http_response_headers.module, line 142
Contains HTTP response headers.


function http_response_headers_rule_load($machine_name, $reset = FALSE) {

  // Use CTools export API to fetch this header rule.

  // Reset the static cache if required.
  if ($reset) {
  $result = ctools_export_load_object('http_response_headers', 'names', array(
  if (isset($result[$machine_name])) {
    return $result[$machine_name];