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function http_response_headers_rule_save in HTTP Response Headers 7

Save a single header rule to the database.


HttpResponseHeadersRule $rule: The rule object.

Return value

bool TRUE or FALSE flag of save operation.

3 calls to http_response_headers_rule_save()
drush_http_response_headers_http_header_add in ./
Sets header rule.
drush_http_response_headers_http_header_set in ./
Sets header rule.
HttpResponseHeadersTestCase::createHeaderRule in ./http_response_headers.test
Helper to create new header rule.
1 string reference to 'http_response_headers_rule_save'
http_response_headers_schema in ./http_response_headers.install
Implements hook_schema().


./http_response_headers.module, line 182
Contains HTTP response headers.


function http_response_headers_rule_save(HttpResponseHeadersRule $rule) {
    'machine_name' => $rule
    'description' => $rule
    'header' => $rule
    'header_value' => $rule
    'pages' => $rule
    'visibility' => $rule
    'types' => $rule
    'roles' => $rule
    // Serialize the whole object into data column, this way, any classes that
    // subclass the base object will have an opportunity to save their data
    // too!
    'data' => serialize($rule),

  // Clear the header rules cache.
  return TRUE;