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function htmlpurifier_init in HTML Purifier 6

Implementation of hook_init(). @note Displays any need to update the HTML Purifier library.


./htmlpurifier.module, line 42
Implements HTML Purifier as a Drupal filter.


function htmlpurifier_init() {
  if (user_access('access administration pages')) {
    $current = variable_get('htmlpurifier_version_current', FALSE);
    if (!$current) {
      $current = variable_get('htmlpurifier_version_current', FALSE);
    $ours = variable_get('htmlpurifier_version_ours', FALSE);
    if (!$ours || version_compare($current, $ours, '>')) {

      // Update our version number if it can't be found, or there's a mismatch.
      $ours = variable_get('htmlpurifier_version_ours', FALSE);
    if ($current && $ours && version_compare($current, $ours, '>')) {
      drupal_set_message(t('Your version of HTML Purifier is currently out of date; ' . 'the most recent version is %version. You can download the latest ' . 'version at <a href=""></a>. ' . 'To update, place the contents of HTML Purifier\'s <code>library/</code> folder in ' . '<code>modules/htmlpurifier/library/</code>.', array(
        '%version' => $current,
      )), 'warning', FALSE);