class HTMLMailSystem in HTML Mail 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8.3 src/Plugin/Mail/HtmlMailSystem.php \Drupal\htmlmail\Plugin\Mail\HtmlMailSystem
Modify the Drupal mail system to use HTMLMail when sending emails.
Plugin annotation
id = "htmlmail",
label = @Translation("HTMLMail mailer"),
description = @Translation("Sends the message using HTMLMail.")
- class \Drupal\htmlmail\Plugin\Mail\HTMLMailSystem implements MailInterface, ContainerFactoryPluginInterface
Expanded class hierarchy of HTMLMailSystem
1 string reference to 'HTMLMailSystem'
- HtmlMailTestForm::getOptions in src/
Form/ HtmlMailTestForm.php - Returns a list with all mail plugins.
- src/
Plugin/ Mail/ HTMLMailSystem.php, line 30
Drupal\htmlmail\Plugin\MailView source
class HTMLMailSystem implements MailInterface, ContainerFactoryPluginInterface {
protected $emailValidator;
protected $systemConfig;
protected $moduleHandler;
protected $logger;
protected $configVariables;
protected $siteSettings;
protected $fileSystem;
protected $renderer;
protected $mimeType;
* HTMLMailSystem constructor.
* @param array $configuration
* The configuration array.
* @param int $plugin_id
* Plugin ID.
* @param string $plugin_definition
* Plugin definition.
* @param \Egulias\EmailValidator\EmailValidator $emailValidator
* The email validator service.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface $moduleHandler
* The module handler service.
* @param \Drupal\Core\File\FileSystemInterface $fileSystem
* The file system service.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelFactoryInterface $logger
* The logger service.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Site\Settings $settings
* The site settings service.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer $renderer
* The render service.
* @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\MimeType\MimeTypeGuesserInterface $mimeTypeGuesser
* The mime guesser service.
public function __construct(array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, EmailValidator $emailValidator, ModuleHandlerInterface $moduleHandler, FileSystemInterface $fileSystem, LoggerChannelFactoryInterface $logger, Settings $settings, Renderer $renderer, MimeTypeGuesserInterface $mimeTypeGuesser) {
$this->emailValidator = $emailValidator;
$this->moduleHandler = $moduleHandler;
$this->fileSystem = $fileSystem;
$this->logger = $logger;
$this->systemConfig = \Drupal::config('');
$this->configVariables = \Drupal::config('htmlmail.settings');
$this->siteSettings = $settings;
$this->renderer = $renderer;
$this->mimeType = $mimeTypeGuesser;
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function create(ContainerInterface $container, array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition) {
return new static($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $container
->get('email.validator'), $container
->get('module_handler'), $container
->get('file_system'), $container
->get('logger.factory'), $container
->get('settings'), $container
->get('renderer'), $container
* Retrieves the logger.
* @return \Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelInterface
* The htmlmail logger.
public function getLogger() {
return $this->logger
* Retrieves the default site mail.
* First from Drupal configuration and then PHP configuration.
* @return string
* The email to be used.
public function getDefaultFromMail() {
$site_mail = $this->systemConfig
return $site_mail ?: ini_get('sendmail_from');
* Retrieves the site name.
* First from Drupal configuration and then set as Drupal.
* @return string
* The site name.
public function getDefaultSiteName() {
$site_name = $this->systemConfig
return $site_name ?: 'Drupal';
* Format emails according to module settings.
* Parses the message headers and body into a MailMIME object. If another
* module subsequently modifies the body, then format() should be called again
* before sending. This is safe because the $message['body'] is not modified.
* @param array $message
* An associative array with at least the following parts:
* - headers: An array of (name => value) email headers.
* - body: The text/plain or text/html message part.
* @return array
* The formatted $message, ready for sending.
public function format(array $message) {
$eol = $this->siteSettings
->get('mail_line_endings', PHP_EOL);
$default_from = $this
$force_plain = $this->configVariables
if (!empty($message['headers']['From']) && $message['headers']['From'] == $default_from && $this->emailValidator
->isValid($default_from)) {
$message['headers']['From'] = '"' . str_replace('"', '', $this
->getDefaultSiteName()) . '" <' . $default_from . '>';
// Collapse the message body array.
if ($this->configVariables
->get('htmlmail_use_mime_mail')) {
$body = $this
$plain = $message['MailMIME']
else {
// Collapse the message body array.
if (is_array($message['body'])) {
// Join the body array into one string.
$message['body'] = implode("{$eol}{$eol}", $message['body']);
// Convert any HTML to plain-text.
$message['body'] = MailFormatHelper::htmlToText($message['body']);
// Wrap the mail body for sending.
$message['body'] = MailFormatHelper::wrapMail($message['body']);
$theme = [
'#theme' => HtmlMailHelper::getThemeNames($message),
'#message' => $message,
$body = $this->renderer
if ($message['body'] && !$body) {
->warning('The %theme function did not return any text. Please check your template file for errors.', [
'%theme' => "Drupal::service('renderer')->render([\$theme])",
$body = $message['body'];
$plain = MailFormatHelper::htmlToText($body);
if ($body && !$plain) {
->warning('The %convert function did not return any text. Please report this error to the %mailsystem issue queue.', [
'%convert' => 'MailFormatHelper::htmlToText()',
'%mailsystem' => 'Mail system',
// Check to see whether recipient allows non-plaintext.
if ($body && HtmlMailHelper::htmlMailIsAllowed($message['to']) && !$force_plain) {
// Optionally apply the selected web theme.
if ($this->moduleHandler
->moduleExists('echo') && ($theme = HtmlMailHelper::getSelectedTheme($message))) {
$themed_body = echo_themed_page($message['subject'], $body, $theme);
if ($themed_body) {
$body = $themed_body;
else {
->warning('The %echo function did not return any text. Please check the page template of your %theme theme for errors.', [
'%echo' => 'echo_themed_page()',
'%theme' => $theme,
// Optionally apply the selected output filter.
if ($filter = $this->configVariables
->get('htmlmail_postfilter')) {
$filtered_body = check_markup($body, $filter);
if ($filtered_body) {
$body = $filtered_body;
else {
->warning('The %check function did not return any text. Please check your %filter output filter for errors.', [
'%check' => 'check_markup()',
'%filter' => $filter,
// Store the fully-themed HTML body.
if (isset($message['MailMIME'])) {
$mime =& $message['MailMIME'];
if (isset($message['params']['attachments'])) {
foreach ($message['params']['attachments'] as $attachment) {
->realpath($attachment['uri']), $attachment['filemime'], $attachment['filename'], TRUE, 'base64', 'attachment', 'UTF-8', '', '');
list($message['headers'], $message['body']) = $mime
if (!$message['body']) {
->warning('The %toemail function did not return any text. Please report this error to the %mailmime issue queue.', [
'%toemail' => 'HTMLMailMime::toEmail()',
'%mailmime' => 'Mail MIME',
else {
$message['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'text/html; charset=utf-8';
$message['body'] = $body;
if ($this->configVariables
->get('htmlmail_html_with_plain')) {
$boundary = uniqid('np');
$message['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/alternative;boundary="' . $boundary . '"';
$html = $message['body'];
$raw_message = 'This is a MIME encoded message.';
$raw_message .= $eol . $eol . "--" . $boundary . $eol;
$raw_message .= "Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8" . $eol . $eol;
$raw_message .= MailFormatHelper::htmlToText($html);
$raw_message .= $eol . $eol . "--" . $boundary . $eol;
$raw_message .= "Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8" . $eol . $eol;
$raw_message .= $html;
$raw_message .= $eol . $eol . "--" . $boundary . "--";
$message['body'] = $raw_message;
else {
if (isset($message['MailMIME'])) {
$mime =& $message['MailMIME'];
->setContentType('text/plain', [
'charset' => 'utf-8',
if (isset($message['params']['attachments'])) {
foreach ($message['params']['attachments'] as $attachment) {
->realpath($attachment['uri']), $attachment['filemime'], $attachment['filename'], TRUE, 'base64', 'attachment', 'UTF-8', '', '');
list($message['headers'], $message['body']) = $mime
if (!$message['body']) {
->warning('The %toemail function did not return any text. Please report this error to the %mailmime issue queue.', [
'%toemail' => 'HTMLMailMime::toEmail()',
'%mailmime' => 'Mail MIME',
else {
$message['body'] = $plain;
$message['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8';
return $message;
* Send an email message.
* @param array $message
* An associative array containing at least:
* - headers: An associative array of (name => value) email headers.
* - body: The text/plain or text/html message body.
* - MailMIME: The message, parsed into a MailMIME object.
* @return bool
* TRUE if the mail was successfully accepted or queued, FALSE otherwise.
* @see drupal_mail()
* @see
public function mail(array $message) {
$eol = $this->siteSettings
->get('mail_line_endings', PHP_EOL);
$params = [];
// Ensure that subject is non-null.
$message += [
'subject' => t('(No subject)'),
// Check for empty recipient.
if (empty($message['to'])) {
if (empty($message['headers']['To'])) {
->error('Cannot send email about %subject without a recipient.', [
'%subject' => $message['subject'],
return FALSE;
$message['to'] = $message['headers']['To'];
if (class_exists('HTMLMailMime')) {
$mime = new HTMLMailMime($this->logger, $this->siteSettings, $this->mimeType, $this->fileSystem);
$to = $mime
->mimeEncodeHeader('to', $message['to']);
$subject = $mime
->mimeEncodeHeader('subject', $message['subject']);
$txt_headers = $mime
else {
$to = Unicode::mimeHeaderEncode($message['to']);
$subject = Unicode::mimeHeaderEncode($message['subject']);
$txt_headers = $this
$body = preg_replace('#(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)#s', $eol, $message['body']);
// Check for empty body.
if (empty($body)) {
->warning('Refusing to send a blank email to %recipient about %subject.', [
'%recipient' => $message['to'],
'%subject' => $message['subject'],
return FALSE;
if ($this->configVariables
->get('htmlmail_debug')) {
$params = [
Unicode::substr($body, 0, min(80, strpos("\n", $body))) . '...',
if (isset($message['headers']['Return-Path'])) {
// A return-path was set.
if (isset($_SERVER['WINDIR']) || strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Win32') !== FALSE) {
// On Windows, PHP will use the value of sendmail_from for the
// Return-Path header.
$old_from = ini_get('sendmail_from');
ini_set('sendmail_from', $message['headers']['Return-Path']);
$result = @mail($to, $subject, $body, $txt_headers);
ini_set('sendmail_from', $old_from);
elseif (ini_get('safe_mode')) {
// If safe mode is in effect, passing the fifth parameter to @mail
// will cause it to return FALSE and generate a PHP warning, even
// if the parameter is NULL.
$result = @mail($to, $subject, $body, $txt_headers);
else {
// On most non-Windows systems, the "-f" option to the sendmail command
// is used to set the Return-Path.
$extra = '-f' . $message['headers']['Return-Path'];
$result = @mail($to, $subject, $body, $txt_headers, $extra);
if ($this->configVariables
->get('htmlmail_debug')) {
$params[] = $extra;
else {
// No return-path was set.
$result = @mail($to, $subject, $body, $txt_headers);
if (!$result && $this->configVariables
->get('htmlmail_debug')) {
$call = '@mail(' . implode(', ', $params) . ')';
foreach ($params as $i => $value) {
$params[$i] = var_export($value, 1);
$trace = print_r(debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS), 1);
else {
$trace = debug_backtrace(0);
for ($i = count($trace) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$trace = print_r($trace);
->info('Mail sending failed because:<br /><pre>@call</pre><br />returned FALSE.<br /><pre>@trace</pre>', [
'@call' => $call,
'@trace' => $trace,
return $result;
* Use the MailMime class to format the message body.
* @see
public function formatMailMime(array &$message) {
$eol = $this->siteSettings
->get('mail_line_endings', PHP_EOL);
$message['body'] = HTMLMailMime::concat($message['body'], $eol);
// Build a full email message string.
$email = HTMLMailMime::encodeEmail($message['headers'], $message['body'], $eol);
// Parse it into MIME parts.
if (!($mime = HTMLMailMime::parse($email, $this->logger, $this->mimeType, $this->fileSystem))) {
->error('Could not parse email message.');
return $message;
// Work on a copy so that the original $message['body'] remains unchanged.
$email = $message;
if (!($email['body'] = $mime
->getHtmlBody()) && !($email['body'] = $mime
->getTxtBody())) {
$email['body'] = '';
else {
// Wrap formatted plaintext in <pre> tags.
if ($email['body'] === strip_tags($email['body']) && preg_match('/.' . $eol . './', $email['body'])) {
// In condition:
// No html tags.
// At least one embedded newline.
$email['body'] = '<pre>' . $email['body'] . '</pre>';
// Theme with htmlmail.html.twig.
$theme = [
'#theme' => HtmlMailHelper::getThemeNames($message),
'#message' => $email,
$body = $this->renderer
$message['MailMIME'] =& $mime;
return $body;
* Converts an array of email headers to a text string.
* @param array $headers
* An associative array of ('HeaderName' => 'header value') pairs.
* @return string
* The concatenated headers as a single string.
public function txtHeaders(array $headers) {
$output = [];
foreach ($headers as $name => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
foreach ($value as $val) {
$output[] = "{$name}: {$val}";
else {
$output[] = "{$name}: {$value}";
return implode("\n", $output);
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
HTMLMailSystem:: |
protected | property | ||
HTMLMailSystem:: |
protected | property | ||
HTMLMailSystem:: |
protected | property | ||
HTMLMailSystem:: |
protected | property | ||
HTMLMailSystem:: |
protected | property | ||
HTMLMailSystem:: |
protected | property | ||
HTMLMailSystem:: |
protected | property | ||
HTMLMailSystem:: |
protected | property | ||
HTMLMailSystem:: |
protected | property | ||
HTMLMailSystem:: |
public static | function |
Creates an instance of the plugin. Overrides ContainerFactoryPluginInterface:: |
HTMLMailSystem:: |
public | function |
Format emails according to module settings. Overrides MailInterface:: |
HTMLMailSystem:: |
public | function | Use the MailMime class to format the message body. | |
HTMLMailSystem:: |
public | function | Retrieves the default site mail. | |
HTMLMailSystem:: |
public | function | Retrieves the site name. | |
HTMLMailSystem:: |
public | function | Retrieves the logger. | |
HTMLMailSystem:: |
public | function |
Send an email message. Overrides MailInterface:: |
HTMLMailSystem:: |
public | function | Converts an array of email headers to a text string. | |
HTMLMailSystem:: |
public | function | HTMLMailSystem constructor. |