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htmlmail.tpl.php in HTML Mail 7

Default template for HTML Mail

DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. Copy it to your theme directory, and edit the copy.

*************************************************** Begin instructions.

When formatting an email message, Drupal determines the active template directory by looking for htmlmail.tpl.php file in the following locations:

  • [1]path_to_theme()
  • [2]drupal_get_path("module", [3]$installed_profile)
  • [4]drupal_get_path("module", [5]"htmlmail")

Once the active template directory is found, Drupal looks in that directory for template files in order from most specific to most general.

For example, if foo_module sends mail with:

drupal_mail("foo_module", "outgoing_message" ...)

the possible template file names would be:

  • htmlmail-foo_module_outgoing_message.tpl.php
  • htmlmail-foo_module_outgoing.tpl.php
  • htmlmail-foo_module.tpl.php
  • htmlmail.tpl.php

The $theme_hook_suggestions variable contains an array of suggested [6]theme [7]hooks, in reverse priority order. For the above example, it would contain:

  • htmlmail
  • htmlmail-foo_module
  • htmlmail-foo_module_outgoing
  • htmlmail-foo_module_outgoing_message

For another example, to customize the [8]password reset emails sent by the [9]user module, copy htmlmail.tpl.php to your theme directory, and also copy it to htmlmail-user_password_reset.tpl.php, then modify the latter file. Remember that you will need to put both files in your theme directory for this to work.

Template files are cached, so remember to clear the cache by visiting admin/settings/performance after creating, copying, or editing any .tpl.php files.

The following variables are also available in this template:

$body : The message body text.

$module : The sending module name, usually the first parameter to drupal_mail().

$key : The email message id.

$header : The configured header text.

$footer : The configured footer text.

$css : The configured css style rules.

$debug : TRUE if debugging info should be printed.

$directory : The relative path to the theme template directory.

$theme_url : The absolute URL to the theme directory.

The module calling [10]drupal_mail() may set other variables. For instance, the [11]Webform module sets a $node variable which may be very useful.

Other modules may also add or modify theme variables by implementing a MODULENAME_preprocess_htmlmail() [12]hook function.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

***************************************************** End instructions.


View source

 * @file
 * Default template for HTML Mail
 * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. Copy it to your theme directory, and edit the copy.
 **************************************************** Begin instructions.
 * When formatting an email message, Drupal determines the active template
 * directory by looking for htmlmail.tpl.php file in the following
 * locations:
 *   * [1]path_to_theme()
 *   * [2]drupal_get_path("module", [3]$installed_profile)
 *   * [4]drupal_get_path("module", [5]"htmlmail")
 * Once the active template directory is found, Drupal looks in that
 * directory for template files in order from most specific to most
 * general.
 * For example, if foo_module sends mail with:
 * drupal_mail("foo_module", "outgoing_message" ...)
 * the possible template file names would be:
 *   * htmlmail-foo_module_outgoing_message.tpl.php
 *   * htmlmail-foo_module_outgoing.tpl.php
 *   * htmlmail-foo_module.tpl.php
 *   * htmlmail.tpl.php
 * The $theme_hook_suggestions variable contains an array of suggested
 * [6]theme [7]hooks, in reverse priority order. For the above example, it
 * would contain:
 *   * htmlmail
 *   * htmlmail-foo_module
 *   * htmlmail-foo_module_outgoing
 *   * htmlmail-foo_module_outgoing_message
 * For another example, to customize the [8]password reset emails sent by
 * the [9]user module, copy htmlmail.tpl.php to your theme directory, and
 * also copy it to htmlmail-user_password_reset.tpl.php, then modify the
 * latter file. Remember that you will need to put both files in your
 * theme directory for this to work.
 * Template files are cached, so remember to clear the cache by visiting
 * admin/settings/performance after creating, copying, or editing any
 * .tpl.php files.
 * The following variables are also available in this template:
 * $body : The message body text.
 * $module : The sending module name, usually the first parameter to
 * drupal_mail().
 * $key : The email message id.
 * $header : The configured header text.
 * $footer : The configured footer text.
 * $css : The configured css style rules.
 * $debug : TRUE if debugging info should be printed.
 * $directory : The relative path to the theme template directory.
 * $theme_url : The absolute URL to the theme directory.
 * The module calling [10]drupal_mail() may set other variables. For
 * instance, the [11]Webform module sets a $node variable which may be
 * very useful.
 * Other modules may also add or modify theme variables by implementing a
 * MODULENAME_preprocess_htmlmail() [12]hook function.
 * References
 * 1.
 * 2.
 * 3.
 * 4.
 * 5.
 * 6.
 * 7.
 * 8.
 * 9.
 *   10.
 *   11.
 *   12.
 ****************************************************** End instructions.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

if ($css) {
<style type="text/css">
<!-- //

  print $css;
// -->

<body class="htmlmail">

if ($header) {
<div class="htmlmail-header">

  print $header;

<div class="htmlmail-body">

print $body;

if ($footer) {
<div class="htmlmail-footer">

  print $footer;

if ($debug) {
<div class="htmlmail-debug">
Debug: module=<?php

  print $module;
