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Files in HTTP Strict Transport Security 7

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description Admininstrative forms for hsts module. name = HTTP Strict Transport Security description = Enable Strict Transport Security on your Drupal site. core = 7.x package = Security files[] = hsts.module configure = admin/config/security/hsts
hsts.install hsts.install Install file for hsts.
hsts.module hsts.module Main module file for the HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) module.
INSTALL.txt INSTALL.txt Extract the module in your modules directory Ex: sites/all/modules/contrib/hsts Go to admin/modules and enable the HSTS module. To enable the header, to go admin/config/security/hsts
README.txt README.txt This module is for users who either can't change the webserver configuration to include the necessary headers to enable HSTS or only want those headers for certain sites in a multi-site configuration. If you have the option to use your web server…

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