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function theme_hover_preview in Hover Preview for ImageCache 6

Convenience function to display an applicable field from a node using hover_preview

Usage: theme('hover_preview', $node, 'field_photo', 'small_preset', 'large_preset', 'link to node (TRUE)');


./hover_preview.module, line 156
Hover Preview for Imagecache.


function theme_hover_preview($node, $field_name, $preset_a, $preset_b, $linked = NULL) {
  $field = content_fields($field_name, $node->type);
  if ($field) {

    // If necessary, pass the node through node_view first to sanitise it
    if (empty($node->content)) {
      $node->build_mode = NODE_BUILD_NORMAL;

    // Poke CCK's display settings to use the formatter we want
    if (isset($linked)) {
      $format = $preset_a . '_hover_preview_' . $preset_b . '_linked';
    else {
      $format = $preset_a . '_hover_preview_' . $preset_b;
    $field['display_settings']['full']['format'] = $format;

    // Invoke CCK to assemble the data structure for us and then render it
    $data = content_field('view', $node, $field, $node->{$field_name}, FALSE, FALSE);
    $output = drupal_render($data);
    return $output;