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function hosting_task_retry in Hostmaster (Aegir) 6

Retry the given task

2 calls to hosting_task_retry()
hosting_site_update_2 in modules/hosting/site/hosting_site.install
Retry all failed site installs, to evaluate where they might be successfully imported instead
hosting_task_retry_form_submit in modules/hosting/task/hosting_task.module


modules/hosting/task/hosting_task.module, line 330
Web server node type is defined here.


function hosting_task_retry($task_id) {
  $node = node_load($task_id);
  if ($node->task_status != HOSTING_TASK_QUEUED) {
    drupal_set_message(t("The task is being retried and has been added to the hosting queue again"));
    hosting_task_log($node->vid, 'queue', t("The task is being retried and has been added to the hosting queue again"));
    $node->revision = TRUE;
    $node->changed = time();
    $node->task_status = HOSTING_TASK_QUEUED;