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function hosting_task_menu_access in Hostmaster (Aegir) 6

Task access controls

This function defines which tasks should be showed to the user but especially which will be accessible to him, in the permissions system.

@arg $node object the node object we're trying to access

@arg $task string the task type we're trying to do on the $node

See also


2 calls to hosting_task_menu_access()
hosting_sites_batch_process in modules/hosting/site/hosting_site.module
hosting_task_menu_access_csrf in modules/hosting/task/hosting_task.module
Access callback helper for hosting task menu items.
1 string reference to 'hosting_task_menu_access'
hosting_task_fetch_tasks in modules/hosting/task/hosting_task.module


modules/hosting/task/hosting_task.module, line 133
Web server node type is defined here.


function hosting_task_menu_access($node, $task) {
  if (user_access("create " . $task . " task")) {
    if ($node->type == 'site') {
      if (hosting_task_outstanding($node->nid, 'delete') || $node->site_status == HOSTING_SITE_DELETED) {
        return FALSE;
      if ($task == 'login_reset' && $node->site_status != HOSTING_SITE_ENABLED) {
        return FALSE;
      $safe_tasks = array(
      if (!in_array($task, $safe_tasks)) {

        // Don't show certain tasks if the site is the 'special' main aegir site
        $profile = node_load($node->profile);
        if ($profile->short_name == 'hostmaster') {
          return FALSE;
      $site_enabled = hosting_task_outstanding($node->nid, 'enable') || $node->site_status == HOSTING_SITE_ENABLED;
      $deletable = $task == "delete";
      $enabable = $task == "enable";
      $delete_or_enable = $deletable || $enabable;

      // If the site is not enabled, we can either delete it, or enable it again
      if (!$site_enabled) {
        return $delete_or_enable;
      else {

        // Site is enabled
        return !variable_get('hosting_require_disable_before_delete', TRUE) && $deletable || !$delete_or_enable;
    if ($node->type == 'platform') {

      // if the user can't edit this node, he can't create tasks on it
      if (!node_access('update', $node, $GLOBALS['user'])) {
        return FALSE;

      // If the platform is in a deleted state, nothing else can be done with it
      if (hosting_task_outstanding($node->nid, 'delete') || $node->platform_status == HOSTING_PLATFORM_DELETED) {
        return FALSE;

      // If the platform's been locked, we can unlock it, delete, batch migrate existing sites or verify
      if ($node->platform_status == HOSTING_PLATFORM_LOCKED) {
        $platform_tasks = array(
      else {

        // If the platform's unlocked, we can lock it, delete it or batch migrate sites
        $platform_tasks = array(
      return in_array($task, $platform_tasks);
    if ($node->type === 'server') {

      // If the user can't edit this node, he can't create tasks on it.
      if (!node_access('update', $node, $GLOBALS['user'])) {
        return FALSE;

      // todo probably need more checks
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;