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function hosting_site_available_options in Hostmaster (Aegir) 6

Pass in a site node and return an array of valid options for it's fields.

Modules can define the hook_hosting_site_options_alter function to modify which fields are available for selection.

4 calls to hosting_site_available_options()
hosting_site_validate in modules/hosting/site/
Implements hook_validate().
hosting_ssl_nodeapi_site_validate in modules/hosting/web_server/ssl/
hosting_task_migrate_form in modules/hosting/migrate/hosting_migrate.module
Implementation of hook_form().
_hosting_site_form_check in modules/hosting/site/hosting_site.module


modules/hosting/site/, line 91
Site node form.


function hosting_site_available_options($node) {

  // cast to object if it's an array.
  $node = is_array($node) ? (object) $node : clone $node;
  $return = array();
  $return['profile'] = array();
  $return['platform'] = array();
  $return['site_language'] = array();
  if (!hosting_feature('client')) {

    // Setting the return value of a text field to null,
    // will signal to the front end that the field needs to
    // be displayed, but is not editable.
    $return['client'] = NULL;

  // Load up the user we'll use to check platform and profile access
  $user = user_load($GLOBALS['user']->uid);

  // Install profiles
  $profiles = hosting_get_profiles();
  foreach ($profiles as $id => $name) {

    // Don't allow a site to be provisioned with hostslave or hostmaster profile
    if (in_array($name, array(
    ))) {

    // Trim down the list of profiles to those that are available and the user has access to
    // XXX This hack (next 22 lines) hides profiles that can't be accessed
    // Eventually we should lighten up the content of this callback
    $result = db_query("SELECT l.nid FROM hosting_package_instance i\n                        JOIN hosting_package p ON p.nid = i.package_id\n                        JOIN hosting_platform l ON l.nid = i.rid WHERE i.package_id = %d\n                        AND p.package_type = 'profile' AND l.status = %d;", $id, HOSTING_PLATFORM_ENABLED);
    $allowed_plats = _hosting_get_allowed_platforms($user->uid);
    $access_check = FALSE;
    while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
      if (array_key_exists($row['nid'], $allowed_plats)) {
        $access_check = TRUE;
      elseif (!($unrestricted = db_result(db_query("SELECT cid FROM {hosting_platform_client_access} WHERE pid = '%d' LIMIT 1", $row['nid'])))) {
        $access_check = TRUE;
    if (!$access_check) {
  $return['profile'] = array_keys($profiles);
  if (!isset($node->profile)) {
    $node->profile = hosting_get_default_profile($return['profile'][0]);

  // filter the available platforms based on which clients the user has access to.
  $options = array();
  $platforms = hosting_get_profile_platforms($node->profile, isset($node->check_profile_migrations) ? $node->check_profile_migrations : FALSE);
  if (sizeof($platforms)) {
    foreach ($platforms as $nid => $title) {
      $platform = node_load($nid);
      if ($platform->platform_status != HOSTING_PLATFORM_LOCKED) {
        if (!isset($platform->clients) || sizeof(array_intersect(array_keys($user->client_id), $platform->clients)) || $user->uid == 1) {
          $options[] = $nid;
    $return['platform'] = $options;
  if (!isset($node->platform) || !in_array($node->platform, $return['platform'])) {
    $node->platform = $return['platform'][0];
  $return['site_language'] = array_keys((array) hosting_get_profile_languages($node->profile, $node->platform));
  drupal_alter('hosting_site_options', $return, $node);
  return $return;