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function _hosting_package_temporary_table in Hostmaster (Aegir) 6

2 calls to _hosting_package_temporary_table()
hosting_migrate_comparison in modules/hosting/migrate/hosting_migrate.module
Compare package schema versions between the current and target platform in temp tables
hosting_package_comparison in modules/hosting/package/


modules/hosting/package/, line 264
API for mapping packages to various Hosting node types


function _hosting_package_temporary_table($ref) {
  static $names = array();
  if (!isset($names[$ref])) {

    // Generate a unique table name for this $ref.
    $names[$ref] = '_hosting_comparision_' . trim($ref);

    // Create the temporary table.
    db_query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE %s AS SELECT p.nid, p.short_name, p.old_short_name, i.version_code, i.schema_version, i.version, i.status FROM {hosting_package} p LEFT JOIN {hosting_package_instance} i on p.nid = i.package_id WHERE i.rid = %d", $names[$ref], $ref);
  return $names[$ref];