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function hosting_node_help in Hostmaster (Aegir) 6

Per node type description text. To be stored in the node_type table.


$type: The node type.

Return value

Description text for the node type.

6 calls to hosting_node_help()
hosting_client_node_info in modules/hosting/client/hosting_client.module
Implementation of hook_node_info().
hosting_package_node_info in modules/hosting/package/hosting_package.module
Implementation of hook_node_info().
hosting_platform_node_info in modules/hosting/platform/hosting_platform.module
Implementation of hook_node_info().
hosting_server_node_info in modules/hosting/server/hosting_server.module
Implementation of hook_node_info().
hosting_site_node_info in modules/hosting/site/
Implementation of hook_node_info

... See full list


modules/hosting/hosting.module, line 244
Hosting module.


function hosting_node_help($type) {
  switch ($type) {
    case 'site':
      return t("<strong>An instance of a hosted site.</strong>\n                It contains information relating to the site, most notably the domain name, database server \n                and platform it is being published on. A site may also have several aliases for additional\n                domains the site needs to be accessible on.");
    case 'platform':
      return t("<strong>The file system location on a specific web server on which to publish sites.</strong>\n                Multiple platforms can co-exist on the same web server, and need to do so for\n                upgrades to be managed, as this is accomplished by migrating the site between platforms.\n                Platforms are most commonly built for specific releases of Drupal.");
    case 'client':
      return t("<strong>The person or group that runs the site.</strong> \n                This information is usually required for billing and access purposes, to ensure\n                that only certain people are able to view the information for sites they run. \n                If you do not intend on having more than one client access the system, \n                you will not need to create any additional clients for your purposes.");
    case 'server':
      return t("<strong>The physical machine which will provide various services to your site.</strong>\n                Each server can have multiple services associated to it. To host a site you require a database service and a web service, which can either be provided by a single or multiple servers.");
    case 'task':
      return t("<strong>The mechanism whereby Hostmaster keeps track of all changes that occur to the system.</strong>\n                Each task acts as a command for the back-end, and contains a full log of all changes that have occurred.\n                If a task should fail, the administrator will be notified with an explanation of exactly what went wrong,\n                and how to fix it.");